Whenever you compare other countries to the US in cheerleading it is generally thought of if they are emerging in this sport as being competitive. Therefore I present there are two categories at Worlds in the International Division. There are World Champions and Emerging Champions. Any country that has at less than 25 teams participating in Worlds would be considered an Emerging Country in cheerleading. This term shows respect to the efforts of countries trying to build their cheerleading tradition, but allows us to classify them correctly for our next piece.
In each International division there would be two types of awards given. There will always be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Worlds globe given to the top 3 scores in each division. The next Globes given would be for the Emerging World Champions. For each of the top 3 places (1st, 2nd, and 3rd World Champions) that is not awarded to an Emerging Countries team there will be an Emerging World Champion award given out. If none of the top spots are given out to Emerging countries, then 3 Emerging Champion trophies are given out. If 2 Emerging countries take two of the top three spots then only one emerging champion trophy will be given out.
(explanation of benefits next... feel free to copy, edit, and paste in this thread)