I'm a little surprised by how shocked some people are with standings. Personally I'm most surprised Panthers didn't beat Senior Elite. There's no variety in tumbling on SE and too much variety in stunts. The routine looks like someone had some great stunting ideas, threw them all in, had a couple eight counts left, and threw in the most basic, simple, cookie cutter routine and formations you can think of. Heck, aside from before the jumps, I can't even think (off the top of my head) a moment I remember seeing a motion in Senior Elite's routine. It's so easy to get wow'd by all the great things that are in that routine that you start to ignore the real low points of the routine (in other words, everything outside of the stunt section and pyramid IN MY OPINION). To me, right now, Stars are the only team bringing their A-game. It's like every other large senior team is trying to figure things out (hey, pre-Cheersport/NCA/Worlds is a great time to do so), and especially Senior Elite. They've had some rough competitions this season and I have no doubt that routine will have an overhaul before we see them again (which is, I believe, in Atlanta). They did VERY well last night. Better than I had expected them to, that's for sure, I just don't think what they're putting on the mat is good enough right now.