Here is my issue. On one hand you have the "small gym" fighting FOR crossovers, then you have the "big gym" using crossovers. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Gyms have been doing this for a long time and as long as it is within what the USASF guidelines state then there is really no reason to attack a GYM for their decisions. IF the parents of kids in that gym have issue with it then that is their fight to have, don't like it, don't cheer there. I'm not saying I agree with crossovers, bc I don't, honestly I wish ALL crossovers were illegal and you would have to "make it work" but I'm aware that my thinking on that issue is a bit old school. Some gyms (mine included) I feel police themselves and limit crossovers as much as possible but in some situations, yes, we do use them, not bc we have to but in reality bc it just makes things easier.
Example: Two years ago, my team had an injury, I spoke to my boss about it and they said "make it work with kids you have" so I did. This year, same situation, I spoke to my boss they said "lets talk to "x" kid and see if WE can make it work" Either way, my job is to make it work, is it easier with crossovers, yes, is it always an option, no. Some can, some can't.
Until USASF changes their policy, I don't feel anyone has the right to attack any gym for using the crossover rule the way THEY seem fit. As someone stated earlier, everyone that has ever used a crossover for ANY reason has justified it to themselves, at the end of the day all that matters is that they can justify it within the rules we are given and to their paying parents. So if you want to attack USASF for their rule, attack them. It is completely WRONG to attack ANY gym because they are staying within the RULES.
Here is another scenario: A few years ago when the whole "super senior" rule came out, "some gyms" were for "some gyms" were against. A "high profile" coach spoke up and said "If this rule that I disagree with is in place, don't be mad if there are college kids on high school teams and you get beat" Again, another situation where, was it "popular" NO, was it within the rules YES. And look at it now, it's hard to find a Senior "Worlds Team" without a college kid on it.