All-Star This Is What You've Been Waiting For... Senior Elite's New Music!

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That awkward moment when caa10 tells me Senior Elites music is online and I consider leaving class early. Then play it at a campus shuttle stop with everyone staring....

I really like it. It's just enough for them without forcing it or trying too hard. Eagerly awaiting the routine.
Copying and pasting what I said about Smoke's music a while back...

"Well if it isn't Ke$ha Celine, then whoever it is should go to Vegas and be a one-woman Ke$ha Celine cover band. I'm just gonna go ahead and believe it's Ke$ha Celine because:

1. I don't like to think Patrick would lie to the masses about that (esp. considering that could probably get him in trouble w/ both his clients AND Ke$ha Celine)
2. It sounds close enough to be her
3. If it's not her, I don't end up being any worse for the wear
3. It's more fun that way :p"

Andddd that's that. I LOVE this music. LOVE IT.
If you're going to bother to correct someone's grammar, it's probably a good idea to make sure that your post is free from them as well...especially one of the exact one's you corrected.
*difference of opinion (not to mention it would be *an opinion not a opinion)
*a part of, not apart of

If you're going to bother to correct someone's grammar, it's probably a good idea to use proper grammar yourself, including correct punctuation and capitalization. Otherwise, I really don't see the point in making an issue out of it if you're not going to adhere to the rules yourself. I'm just saying....

so BASICALLY you just completely ignored the main message of my post because I was right? ohhhh okay.

thanks! glad i helped you see the light.
The reason the fans are crying over the mix, is because we feel like we have a connection with the team. We've been on the roller coaster ride with Senior Elite, supporting them every step of the way. We may not be on the team physically, but emotionally, we are with them when they step on that mat to perform. And that's why cried over the mix. This team has been through ups and downs, but they never lost or will loose our support. We look up to this team. And I'm so proud to be apart of the Teal & Black Army.
Thank you for this post and conveying how you, as a fan, relate to this mix....and particularly why. :) I think that's one of the things that help make it so meaningful to the actual team and CEA family. All of the support and how the emotions meant to be conveyed aren't lost on the fans.

Heck, I'll be honest and say that I'm really a hard rock (very hard rock) fan, but I love the mix bc of how much I know it means to the team, parents, and coaches. Yes, I did get emotional listening to it..and honestly if it were another team's mix, I probably still would get emotional bc I would "get" the meaning combined w/the goosebumps from the routine itself. I'm like this with other teams as well. There are PLENTY of teams who manage to make me feel this way as well, regardless of their affiliation. I LOVE cheerleading and I feel like it's a very emotional sport. Heck, even my husband feels that way (shhh ;).

Finally, for those of you who watch So You Think You Can Dance, hasn't there been a dancer whom you weren't particularly fond of, but combined with the right music and routine, still made you cry? I kind of look at this the same way for people who aren't affiliated w/the team or who aren't even fans, but still responded in an emotional way.
So much AMEN to this Sammy. (And I love you by the way)

And when we listened to it and little bit heard the 08 stunt mix in there she did the stunt that went with it in 08 that her sister did. That right there will get you, Mommy's!

As I told KJ earlier, it's like every single alumni is there with the team in their moment to shine. I can't imagine what a huge honor that will be for them. The 1 and only thing that would have made this mix any better for me is if little bit was actually on that team. Maybe 1 day! We'll keep working hard!
Oh you know it will!!! She's phenomenal <3
are you sure YOU are?...


i smell an impostor.
No, I'm fairly certain I'm the parent of one last time I checked...unless I'm on IOC and somebody forgot to tell me (you know when people start to get old the first thing to go is their memory :p ).

I smell defensiveness.
so BASICALLY you just completely ignored the main message of my post because I was right? ohhhh okay.

thanks! glad i helped you see the light.
No, it was fairly hard to read on account of all the grammatical errors :rolleyes:
You assume way too much btw, ya know? It would behoove you to maybe relax a bit and not get so worked up over an online conversation. Of course you're entitled to your opinions, if I felt otherwise I would have said so...I simply think you're wound a little too tight at the moment and if you're going to call someone out on grammatical errors, you might wanna make sure your reply doesn't contain the exact same one (and then some).
No, I'm fairly certain I'm the parent of one last time I checked...unless I'm on IOC and somebody forgot to tell me (you know when people start to get old the first thing to go is their memory :p ).

I smell defensiveness.


lmao that explains it ALL. or does it? that a grown woman who's NOT EVEN a cheerleader is crying over a senior level team's mix... hmm... how curious.

wait... WHY am i even talking to you now that this has been established?



i love that they went back with celine dion!! that was favorite part of their routine in the past. and i love how all the songs have their names in it!!