-i not only have gone to worlds, but my brother has played baseball at WWoS, and they've always let us bring in coolers and food. Their only rule is that there's no alcohol or glass. They occasionally checked the coolers to be sure.
-Once you're in the arena, if you need to use the restroom, go in shifts. Lol, sounds nuts, but people will move bags in chairs and say they "didn't see them". So make sure someone's there to guard your stuff..because bathroom lines are always INCREDIBLY long.
-Buy.apparel.on.the.first.day. I'm still upset that I didn't get the jacket at worlds last year. Learned my lesson!!
-it rains like everyday around noon in Orlando. Not an exaggeration. Plan for rain and bring clothes/uniform cover ups/shoe protectors etc, because it WILL rain!! I've been stranded in the WWoS baseball fields in a monsoon two or three times lol.
-As mentioned above, don't buy food at the McDonalds on Disney property. You know how large teas are a dollar everywhere at McDonald's? Well we were super thirsty and it was the only thing around so we went and got three teas from them. Should've been about 3 bucks and tax. Nope. Costed us a little over 11 dollars. Will never forget that!
-this is just a tip for the Orlando area in general...if you see a steakhouse, connected to a..I dunno a, Japanese or Mexican restaurant, don't go there. I repeat, don't do it. There's something shady about those places...and they're all over. Pretty sure half our house got food poisoning from the Mexican buffet. Might want to stick to familiar, chain restaurants while in Orlando!
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