I think not allowing the training of other athletes in your facility is a recipe for disaster as a business. Discriminating against a customer based on their "Gym Affiliation" is awful. What it shows is that the restricting gym is insecure in the handling their business. What one gym wont do, trust me others will. If you have a problem with a specific person recruiting, bad mouthing or whatever, how about you be the business owner that you are and confront the person. Gyms applying blanket, "you cant come here rules" upon everyone leaves a bad taste in all of your potential and ex. customers mouths. Finally, if I ever thought or considered bringing my CP your way, all bets are off now. If the gym owner was running their business properly then the members within could not be "recruited" to do anything. And who cares if someone leaves, thats the name of this game, it comes with the territory. As a business owner you have to know that you can't please everyone....JMO>>>