All-Star Traveling

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Oct 27, 2014
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Okay so I just got my Allstar gym handbook and i saw the prices for everything then I read the trace section. I don't think my mom is gonna travel out of state plus she is off of work every other weekend. So I was wondering is it wrong for some athletes tho ride either their team members to competitions during the year?
I think your asking if it's okay to ride with your teammates to competitions?
If so, yes. Now, if your mom has an issue of you going out of state, that might be an issue. If you're fine traveling with a teammate out of state than you should be fine. My parents RARELY attended any of my competitions and if they did, they were local ones and drove there in time to watch me compete then were gone right after I forced them into buying me some dip n dots ;)
Okay so I just got my Allstar gym handbook and i saw the prices for everything then I read the trace section. I don't think my mom is gonna travel out of state plus she is off of work every other weekend. So I was wondering is it wrong for some athletes tho ride either their team members to competitions during the year?
Yes, going to competitions along with a teammate is done. But I suggest you first
1. Find a family willing to take you along before you commit to a year long team.
2. Pay your fair share of the travel expenses (gas money, hotel, food, etc) when you are with another family.

It sounds like this may be your first year at All Stars. Not sure how old you are but will your parents be able to take you to practices? It's very important that you attend all practices especially when competitions season starts.
Yes, going to competitions along with a teammate is done. But I suggest you first
1. Find a family willing to take you along before you commit to a year long team.
2. Pay your fair share of the travel expenses (gas money, hotel, food, etc) when you are with another family.

It sounds like this may be your first year at All Stars. Not sure how old you are but will your parents be able to take you to practices? It's very important that you attend all practices especially when competitions season starts.

All of this. Establish that you have the travel first; but yes, traveling with another family or with your team alone is typically okay depending upon your age. I would mentioned it to your coach to make sure it's okay with the gym and see if they have any suggestions on who may be willing to help.

Good luck.
It will depend on you gym. Many require parents for certain ages. If they are ok with another parent acting as your adult for the weekend, and your Mom is ok with that, then you should be good to go. Remember that they are not just getting you there, but will be somewhat responsible for your wellbeing while on the trip (along with your coaches of course)
I think your asking if it's okay to ride with your teammates to competitions?
If so, yes. Now, if your mom has an issue of you going out of state, that might be an issue. If you're fine traveling with a teammate out of state than you should be fine. My parents RARELY attended any of my competitions and if they did, they were local ones and drove there in time to watch me compete then were gone right after I forced them into buying me some dip n dots ;)
My mom don't have a problem with me going out of state but it's not me traveling it's for her. Between her paying bills and working and having to pick my grandma up from work I don't think she have time to go out of state plus the money. I'm paying for all the monthly fees I just need to get to the competition. Like some are driving distance where she can stay and I can stay but ones that are like in Tennessee and stuff.
I'd say that it is typical for some kids to travel with others, as some kids have parents working, unable to take off work, other kids who can't always come, etc.

Big things:

1. Make sure your mom is okay with you traveling with another adult and being under their supervision. You can't really consider it unless she is okay with it.

2. Make sure it is okay with the gym. Some gyms require that you be with your own parent or adult guardian, depending on your age. So they don't allow kids to travel in groups with other parents.

3. If both of the above are okay, make sure you've secured said family before you commit to a team.

4. Ensure that you can afford the travel, lodging, food, etc. and make sure you've discussed that with your parent. Yes, you may be traveling with someone else, but you are expected to pay for a portion of gas, your own food, etc. People do not mind helping out, but they START to mind if (for example) every time Becky travels with them, they end up paying for all three days of her meals because her parents did not send her with enough money. Or Becky's mom was supposed to reimburse for hotel but did not.

5. Know that when you are with another adult, you need to be okay with listening to them. I've seen so many kids at comps think "Becky's mom isn't my mom, so she's just TAKING me to the comp and I don't have to listen. I can be out at the pool all night if I want." Nope. You need to obey the adult you're with because they are responsible for you for the weekend. Depending on age, this may not be an issue.
A lot of this depends on how old you are. If you're still quite young, then making arrangements with another family is a bit more difficult logistically: having someone to help you with your uniform, help with your hair and makeup, drive you places, give you a curfew/rules, basically act as your interim guardian. But if you're older, especially if you're no longer a minor, then it's much less of an issue since you're likely to be much more independent at comps.

It's really important, regardless or whether another mother is taking you or if you're just going in a friend's car, to pay your share. A lot of people are too polite to chase up money for gas and food, so remember to help them out if they're doing you a favour. Gas is EXPENSIVE.
I carpool a large number of kids to and from the gym for practice, classes, etc for both of my daughter's teams and my son's team. I am sometimes already at the gym when I get a call from a kid who needs a ride. I mention all this to establish that I AM that parent with a gaggle of kids at all times (though I would NEVER EVER ask anyone else to drive my kid). I have taken many kids to/from competitions as well. We have a number of parents with jobs that are "on call" (doctors, nurses, etc) and some who just have difficult schedules. I prefer that I know the parent- and they know me...that they are comfortable with me having charge over their child (especially for the younger children (the 7-11ish range) they need to be ok with my value system that will most certainly affect how I parent them when they are with me). The older kids are a little easier for obvious reasons. I prefer though knowing the family (which happens by the parents coming to the gym once in a while). I have taken a young man whose mother I have never met- but I believe from what I can see that his mother is just disconnected from the raising of her children. He is basically raising himself. That is the exception to the i need to know your parents rule. If your gym is like a family (which ours is) I would think you would easily find a version of me there :) Build a relationship and I am sure you will have someone to happy to take you.
Do not just find one family, you will need to find at least a few that would be willing to take you. People quit, get injured, change their minds, have arguments, etc. I've seen it many times, where kids and parents have made arrangements and then they go bad after the first trip. Have a back up and a back up to your back up.
It's really important, regardless or whether another mother is taking you or if you're just going in a friend's car, to pay your share. A lot of people are too polite to chase up money for gas and food, so remember to help them out if they're doing you a favour. Gas is EXPENSIVE.


There are moms I know who are way too nice to EVER say "Hey remember when I drove Becky to Columbus? You owe me $35."

However, I think parents learn which kids they'd be hesitant to agree to do anything for again because the parent will never pay back or assume you're doing it for free.

This isn't a huge issue with bigger kids who have their own money to bring. But for a Youth or Junior aged kid, taking them anywhere is quite the ordeal and meals add up.

My favorite parent is the one who sends her kid with an unrealistic amount of spending money assuming that another parent will make up the cost. Ex: You send Suzy with $5/night for food when everything in the area is at least $10. You know that the person bringing her is not going to let her starve and assume that they'll give extra.

Yes, I know there are people who legitimately can only swing $5/night for food but I have heard folks say "oh I forgot money but that's okay, I'm sure Michelle's mom will feed her." It's not nice to assume!

Along the same lines as showing up late and assuming that another mom will do her hair! It's inconsiderate.

There are moms I know who are way too nice to EVER say "Hey remember when I drove Becky to Columbus? You owe me $35."

However, I think parents learn which kids they'd be hesitant to agree to do anything for again because the parent will never pay back or assume you're doing it for free.

This isn't a huge issue with bigger kids who have their own money to bring. But for a Youth or Junior aged kid, taking them anywhere is quite the ordeal and meals add up.

My favorite parent is the one who sends her kid with an unrealistic amount of spending money assuming that another parent will make up the cost. Ex: You send Suzy with $5/night for food when everything in the area is at least $10. You know that the person bringing her is not going to let her starve and assume that they'll give extra.

Yes, I know there are people who legitimately can only swing $5/night for food but I have heard folks say "oh I forgot money but that's okay, I'm sure Michelle's mom will feed her." It's not nice to assume!

Along the same lines as showing up late and assuming that another mom will do her hair! It's inconsiderate.
My mom is the nicest human in the universe, and wouldn't hesitate to take another kid under her wing. But she is always too polite to be like "honey, I drove your kids across the country and fed them for 2 days – give me some cash pls?"
I always send CP with more money than she should need. I would hate for another parent to have to pay for anything for her when they are nice enough to take her with them. And give the driver gas money before they leave.
Because my mom always give people gas money and me food money so and more so I know I have enough. And with the rest of the money I have I give to the parent who took me somewhere and its a requirement in my house to respect every adult. ESPECIALLY when you are with an adult that's not your parent on field trips and stuff

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