My CP has been at the same gym for 4 years. She tried out the end of April, hoping a level 4 would make. It didn't, however, and she was placed on a J3 for what would be the third year. (Started as a M1, J2, J3, J3). As much as she loves her gym and her team, she was really hoping for a level 4 so she could use the skills she has worked so hard to get (she has a full, whip, specialty passes, standing tuck, standing 3 to full and will soon start working on her double and standing full according to her tumbling coach) Her dream gym is a mega gym in Dallas area which is 2.5 hours away. So we made a compromise with her and her current gym and decided to let her tryout at dream gym, if she makes a 4 she can go there and she understands the time/drive commitment for both of us. If she makes a level 3 at dream gym, then we will stay at the gym we have been at for one more year. She is used to a Jr team, so a J4 is ideally what she wants...but a Y4 (as long as she can fly) will make her just as happy. Honestly, I'm just ready for tryouts to be over and know the results. I'm so excited for and proud of her for chasing her dreams. I know many will think I've lost my mind for driving her so far. But I've never seen a kid work so hard and be so passionate so I will support her as long as she loves it.