It was hard to wait 3 days to post after reading some of this :p Yes we were sooo invited into that room (kids and coaches). They even had to do like a 'take two' because they were at the wrong door :rolleyes: They spent more than a hour in the room...talking, socializing and even doing a bit of small stunting between the teams. It was indeed a shame that only a very selected few mins were shown but "IT'S TV!!" I don't get any of the comments about "hope we got paid"....we were there at US Finals to compete, to Cheer (would love to get paid for that-winkwink). As far as the part "we change our routine every practice".... we found it pretty entertaining how they captured our coach saying it (by the way, it was part of a response to more conversation) but again.... IT'S's how they decided they wanted to capture us. Do we change our routine every practice?...JUST ABOUT...heck we've been known to change it in WARMUPS! haha Let's not make it seem like we come out with a new routine everyday...but yes, we constantly make changes to things that may not be working, to improve difficulty, new ideas and to constantly make it the best we can. Our kids and coaches are very dedicated to the sport and we also love to see everyone (all gyms) compete at their best. I could sit all day at a comp and watch all the teams at all the levels compete. Love the sport and work you can tell so many put into it!!! HAVE A GREAT COMP YEAR!!!!:D