For reference (and because I'm extremely bored) I went through and made the following tallys on what I think most likely WILL pass and what I think MAYBE will pass (decision was based on at least 10% difference in votes. If these changes had a difference greater than 10% between Yes and No, they were WILL pass. If they got less than 10% difference, they got MAYBE. If they were contingent on a decision that was less than 10%, they were put in maybe with a notation).
#13- L4 Stunts that full-up to extended must be caught at 2 feet. (77.30% Yes AND 19.83% No)
#14- L4 Braced Inversions must have at least one person connected on each side of top person at prep or below. (60.34% Yes AND 35.78% No)
#15- L4 Tosses allow hitch-kick single full tosses (58.19% Yes AND 39.37% No)
#16 + #17- L5 Restricted tumbling is more limited in skills. No standing fulls, no full punch fulls, etc. (80.89% Yes AND 16.81% No; 80.11% Yes AND 17.67% No Respectively)
#18- L5 Restricted Tosses may not exceed 3 tricks (i.e. hitch kick full, kick double) (81.61% Yes AND 15.95% No)
#19- Crossovers- Limit by # of TEAMS athlete may compete on per day (70.26% Yes AND 28.74% No)
#20- Crossovers- Choice A with 2 teams (57.33%) Choice B with 3 teams (38.36%)
#23- Ethics: No Recruiting at competitions (84.48% Yes AND 14.51% No)
#24- Large Division Size Change (60.49% Yes AND 38.94% No)
#32- Change Coed Divisions (66.09% Yes AND 28.30% No)
#33- Change Coed Divisions to Format Shown (73.42% Yes AND 22.13% No)
#43- No Tosses in Tiny/Mini REGARDLESS of Level (69.25% Yes AND 28.88% No)
#46- Delete Semi (Which will happen anyway with the pass of 32/33) (56.03% Yes AND 38.22% No)
#49- An athlete may only cheer for ONE gym per USASF season unless released (A 'season' was defined by the previous item #48) (77.87% Yes AND 19.54% No)
#9- Modify Level 4.2 Age Range (48.42% Yes AND 49.71% No)
*#10- Modify Level 4.2 Age Range to 12-18 (62.64%)
#11- L4 Release moves that end in an extended position MUST originate from the ground (48.56% Yes AND 47.99% No)
#21- Limit Crossovers by PERCENTAGE (51.72% Yes AND 46.84% No)
*#22- Limit Crossovers by listed percentages: 20% (29.45%); 25% (63.65%)
#25- Large Division # of Participants: 21-32 (42.24%); 21-30 (52.44%)
#28- Change Current Age LEVEL Grid (42.96% Yes AND 53.59% No)
*#29- Change Age LEVEL Grid: Choice B (Eliminate Mini 3 and Youth 5). (76.72%)
#30- Change Age Divisions (54.02% Yes AND 44.40% No)
#31- Change How Divisions are Split: Coed/AG THEN S/L (44.25%); S/L THEN Coed/AG (52.87%)
#36- Change # of Teams Needed for Small Gym Split (43.53% Yes AND 54.02% No)
*#37- New # of Teams Needed for Split: 4 teams (29.60%); 5 teams (62.50%)
#39- Eliminate Youth 5 (51.15% Yes AND 46.70% No)
*#40-41- If Y5 is NOT Eliminated, Impose Tumbling/Stunting Restrictions (75.86% Yes AND 21.12% No; 66.67% Yes AND 30.46% No Respectively)
*#42- If Y5 IS Eliminated, Create JRestricted5 (69.25% Yes AND 28.88% No)
(#10, #29, #37 All needed the points above them to pass, and many of them were too close for me to feel definitive based on the percentages either yes OR no. #39-42 all were the Y5 ones, which I feel might change seeing as the restrictions passed so nicely. We'll see on those)