a guideline is a suggestion; a rule can be enforced. there is no way to "enforce" this. what would be the solution? to penalize top gun to set an example for other gyms in the future? Automatic disqualification for hurting yourself? 10 point safety deduction? IMO penalizing the team would be somewhat ridiculous.
I just reread the "guideline".. now, it says it is up to the EP whether or not the team will be allowed to perform again if they stop the routine. (Pretend they didn't know about Lady Jags day 1 injury and cheersport allowing them to go again.) If they stopped, there is a chance CHEERSPORT would not allow them to perform again and they just wasted a lot of time and money getting to atlanta and not competing for a bid.
The "guidelines" also say that the athlete can only stop the routine if they are clearly injured or if an athlete is questionably injured and does not resume their role in the routine within 5 seconds of questionable injury. In hindsight and on video, the athlete is obviously clearly injured.. but he didn't fall on the ground and yell stop, so I'd call it a questionable injury during that routine (especially with how fast the routines are moving.) Did he not resume his role in the routine within 5 seconds? does resuming your role mean continuing to tumble/jump/stunt? or just to get to your next spot and continue moving through the motions of the routine?
The coaches, EP, and USASF did have the authority to stop the routine, but if I were them I'm not so sure I would have called it either. Sometimes I stand up too fast and my hip pops out of the socket. It debilitating and I can't move, but it usually pops right back in within a minute. So maybe the coaches wanted to give him a minute to see if he recovered. except in a 2:30 routine, the performance is basically over by then.
While I'm still not sure they would have stopped that routine, I think going forward it might help if EP's declared their stance on this guideline beforehand, much like they declare how they will distribute bids. Will you be allowed to perform again? Will their scores be affected? Obviously no one wants to get injured or perform again, but no one also wants to ruin anything for their entire ream.