I cant stand when I complain to my friends like "omg today practice was impossible" and they say something like
"oh yeah I bet.." This normally ends with me proving that Im stronger then all of them (mostly dancers and XC runners) and I can run a 7 minute mile, which is basically on par with my friends who don't try at XC. It just frustrates me about how hard I have to work and how they always ask me if I have tumbling or practice if I could 'skip'. They constantly skip their practices, and they don't work HALF as hard as I do, yet they are considered the athletes technically. They always talk about how at their practices (running) they run home and eat then catch their team when they are on their lap back to the school. I thought about if I were to somehow do this, how much I would have to pay for it in the end. They also complain about how hurt they get and how my injuries are nothing to what they've gotten. I'm sorry, but their shin splints cannot compare to a fractured L4 vertebrae. It drives me nuts how hard all of us work and we still are not considered athletic, yet people who are called athletes don't put in any effort or dedication. Another point I would always make to my XC friends mostly is, you can train every day for XC and get 2 minutes off your starting mile time in like a couple weeks. With cheerleading, it takes years to get good, you cant just waltz into a gym, take a couple classes, and expect to do whip doubles and one arm rewinds to a no-hand heel stretch then double down.