All-Star Venting (all Star Subjects)

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I HATE the stereotypical "gay male just bc you're a cheerleader"!:mad: First of all, who gives a rat's @ss if you are, and second of all, considering that all of the other sports are only one sex (never seen a coed football team...I'm sure there's a girl on a team or two somewhere...but you get the drift), statistically you would have a higher percentage of gay men in the other sports, not cheerleading.

Makes me very sad cousin came to visit last summer and Courtney let him watch a coed practice bc he had been w/us all week, thus watching Mini teams practicing and REALLY got excited when he caught a glance of the older teams practicing in the next room! So she let him come and watch coed elite practice one day. He fell IN LOVE with this sport (not to mention Cheer Extreme!) and when he went home he BEGGED his dad to let him cheer for a local all star team where he lives and his dad absolutely refused. :( His dad has no idea what all star is about and is just basing it off of what he knows of cheerleading (i.e. college football, etc .) He did promptly allow him to sign up for THREE different sports...track, basketball, and football. Makes me so sad bc his dad is a good guy, he just falls prey to the stereotypes.

He did let me take him to the BATB a few months back when he came to visit his mom from SC for his spring break. He loved it so much...that twinkle in his eyes makes me smile every time just thinking about it :). All he asks for now for his birthday and Christmas is anything CEA related. He's becoming so involved w/the sport, but can only participate as a spectator (on occasion) bc of that stupid stereotype. :(

I'm sorry but I think it's so stupid if you really think about it..Participating in a sport doesn't make you anything! Playing basketball isn't going to magically turn you into an African-American and cheerleading isn't going to magically "make you gay":rolleyes: (which as I mentioned before, should be besides the point bc who cares if you are?!)
I HATE the stereotypical "gay male just bc you're a cheerleader"!:mad: First of all, who gives a rat's @ss if you are, and second of all, considering that all of the other sports are only one sex (never seen a coed football team...I'm sure there's a girl on a team or two somewhere...but you get the drift), statistically you would have a higher percentage of gay men in the other sports, not cheerleading.
there was three girls on our football team my year! :)
the were amazing, but i hope he gets to cheer :( thats horrible!
Oh and psycho cheer moms of course!! PLEASE just let your child enjoy the sport and not try to live vicariously through him/her, PLEASE stop talking crap about other people's kids (for the love of God they're KIDS), PLEASE stop pushing them in a harsh manner when they're so little just bc you want them to be the "star" or "point flyer" and having hissy fits when they aren't and dissing other kids in the process (if anything you need to be teaching them that cheerleading is truly a team sport and accentuating all of their positive attributes in front of their peers instead of their negative ones).
there was three girls on our football team my year! :)
the were amazing, but i hope he gets to cheer :( thats horrible!
LOL! I knew it was becoming a little more common (and btw, yay for that too bc it's nice that women who truly love the sport and are good at it can play...:) Now let's see if it ever happens in the pros!

I hope he can too! He just turned 13 and he looks 16-17 (he was 12 at BATB and they thought we were lying about his age to get a cheaper ticket...and I was like "really?, please show me one boy who wants to lie about his age and say he's YOUNGER for just 5 bucks when he's surrounded by all of these teenage girls!")LOL He's almost 6 feet and very slender, but he just turned 13!! So maybe if I work on his dad for a couple of years he'll come around....
@xtremeteal4life Maybe you can sneak him out for a visit every summer and do workshops so when he gets to college he can get a cheer scholarship - will his dad hate cheer if he gets free tuition?! His dad might allow him to take tumbling classes - just so he can do cool flips on the field when he scores a touchdown, not because he has a secret ambition to be a cheerleader;).
LOL! I knew it was becoming a little more common (and btw, yay for that too bc it's nice that women who truly love the sport and are good at it can play...:) Now let's see if it ever happens in the pros!

I hope he can too! He just turned 13 and he looks 16-17 (he was 12 at BATB and they thought we were lying about his age to get a cheaper ticket...and I was like "really?, please show me one boy who wants to lie about his age and say he's YOUNGER for just 5 bucks when he's surrounded by all of these teenage girls!")LOL He's almost 6 feet and very slender, but he just turned 13!! So maybe if I work on his dad for a couple of years he'll come around....
it was! :) they loved it one is my cousin actually, really girly girl! thats how she vented:)! football to her was cheer to us!

and hah thats funny. well what if you show the dad some tumbling and some partner stunting! maybe the dad will like it! and Wow hes tall! >.< for being that age.
@xtremeteal4life Maybe you can sneak him out for a visit every summer and do workshops so when he gets to college he can get a cheer scholarship - will his dad hate cheer if he gets free tuition?! His dad might allow him to take tumbling classes - just so he can do cool flips on the field when he scores a touchdown, not because he has a secret ambition to be a cheerleader;).
Now THAT sounds like a GREAT idea!! He comes up here for a while during the summer and maybe I can enroll him in one of our power tumbling camps!! (he loves that part a lot....of course! this kid used to jump off of the bed or couch on a regular basis when he was 3 (while I used to baby sit him no less) doing all kinds of crazy stuff, then get up, laugh, and do it again! never even phased him) One time he did try to make an escape out the sliding glass door and I caught him trying to take his little kiddie chair outside so he could climb on it (We lived on the 5th floor!...I think he was literally trying to fly!)
it was! :) they loved it one is my cousin actually, really girly girl! thats how she vented:)! football to her was cheer to us!

and hah thats funny. well what if you show the dad some tumbling and some partner stunting! maybe the dad will like it! and Wow hes tall! >.< for being that age.
That's what I'm hoping will happen over time..since he's so young. Maybe once his dad sees that kind of stuff he'll warm up to it..
IKR gay or not guy cheerleaders make the sport interesting. At competitions my mom and I always look forward to watching the coed teams =)
1. I HATE when the flyer doesn't try and sticks her butt out and thinks I'm little, and cute so I can get away with it.
2. Bit of a story here: Our team nailed our US Finals performance but we got last bc of an illegal pyramid, one girls said that if we hadn't had that pyramid we would have won. Not true girl when you're going up against some very good competition. Our coach even said we wouldn't have won we would have gotten third.
3. When my bases rely on me as a backspot to get the flyer up by myself, um no thats not how it works
& also, it irritates me how sometimes gyms hate other gyms for no reason, just because they are the same area. This happens SO much, and I just don't think because a gym is in the same town as another, they have to bad name eachother and hate them. If they haven't done anything directed at you, than it should be nothing more than a little healthy competition between the two gyms. But of course thats not how it is... maybe if I were a gym owner I would feel different? But IDTS.

Done. :)
I agree with the gym rivalry thing! I mean, it's perfectly okay to be each other's fierce competition publicly (if that makes sense?). Like people know you're striving to beat each other. But going so far as to say a gym hates another gym? C'mon guys, it's cheerleading!! Don't be so heated about it.
I do like though (and I see this a lot with Worlds teams like WCSS and Senior Elite!) when girls on the teams get along perfectly fine, and are even friendly with each other :) Makes me so happy! :'D
I agree with the gym rivalry thing! I mean, it's perfectly okay to be each other's fierce competition publicly (if that makes sense?). Like people know you're striving to beat each other. But going so far as to say a gym hates another gym? C'mon guys, it's cheerleading!! Don't be so heated about it.
I do like though (and I see this a lot with Worlds teams like WCSS and Senior Elite!) when girls on the teams get along perfectly fine, and are even friendly with each other :) Makes me so happy! :'D

i know me 2!
My biggest pet peeve is going to the competition only to find there aren't any seats ANYWHERE. Because they are all being saved for an Athlete to come back. REALLY??? I have sat at comps the entire day and watch as people "saved" a seat for their athlete. The athletes only come back long enough to get stuff out of their backpacks and then they leave again. If you need to hold onto your childs backpack, that is fine. But each backpack doesn't need a seat. If you are "saving" a seat for someone and they have not shown up in hours, let the seat go to someone who wants to use it.
Can I shimmy this a thousand times? Personally I think it's bad sportsmanship to reserve rows and sometimes entire sections like that. I never feel good about it and it always affects my opinion of certain gyms. And btw row hoggers- you are in uniform so we know who you are!!
So people post random threads to vent about all kinds of things in the All Star world.
Well I started this to be one huge venting thread.

I'm going to start off with saying how incredibly irritating it is when a non-cheerleader guy tells me how "gay" it is that I'm in competitive cheerleading. It doesn't matter what sport they play, it always involves them showering, playing, being together with a bunch of guys. And yet my sport allows me to be surrounded by some of the most gorgeous, mostly intelligent ^_^, outgoing girls/women. Who change in front of us, we hang out with them all day, etc. I'm trying not to sound like a pervert here because I do have a girlfriend who is on one of the teams I cheer with. But really, why do these guys think I'm the "gay" one? Especially when the few gay guys on my team could out perform almost every single one of those guys on other sports. UGH! Venting completed.

Feel free to post what you want to vent about in the All Star world.
1. Ask the haters what other sports let's you spend your days looking up girls skirts? (but don't really do it LOL)
2. If somebody is gay then so what?? Can he or she stunt/tumble/fly? THATS what matters!