All-Star Venting (all Star Subjects)

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I know accidents happen and people get hit in cheerleading, but I hate it when the flyer doesn't say sorry. I had this one flyer who never said sorry to anyone she hit and hurt. Girls will be crying cause she hit their nose or bleeding or something and she just stands there. All you need is a simple sorry.

or when they just laugh because they fell when you are clearly in pain...
I'm dealing with this now as a coach...after tryouts we had all of our seniors practice together and finally split them on tuesday... parents have are calling like crazy why their child didn't make a certain team. I know what i'm doing and placed them where they are for a reason that i honestly don't have to explain to you.
Actually, I wish you WOULD explain it to them! I wish there was more up front discussions with parents and coaches instead of all the politics and BS that goes along with it. I would rather have a coach tell me "your daughter didn't make XX team because of X, Y, Z" and be honest and frank about it, rather than sugar coat it or lie! I think a lot of coaches are scared of confrontation with the parents or of hurting the athlete's feelings so they give sugar-coated answers when if they would honestly let the athletes know what skills they need to work on, everyone wins in that situation.
ughh so it frustrates me sooooo bad when bases (ones that never have flown in their lives, especially ones of a lower level) try to tell me (the flyer) what to do in a stunt or how to do a stunt. I understand you're trying to help but you don't know what it feels like up there. I've been flying for 9 years, i know what i'm doing, i don't need you're help. sorry, it sounds bratty, i'm not trying to dogg on anyone but that's just how i feel! :confused: phew now i feel better!:p
Not being capable of keeping up, goofing around, not paying attention, immature, and they are afraid since she's on a very high competitive team it will be to much pressure...

Ohh that makes sensee. I'm assuming you're from ECE so I think I may know who you're talking about..
Actually, I wish you WOULD explain it to them! I wish there was more up front discussions with parents and coaches instead of all the politics and BS that goes along with it. I would rather have a coach tell me "your daughter didn't make XX team because of X, Y, Z" and be honest and frank about it, rather than sugar coat it or lie! I think a lot of coaches are scared of confrontation with the parents or of hurting the athlete's feelings so they give sugar-coated answers when if they would honestly let the athletes know what skills they need to work on, everyone wins in that situation.
"sugar coating" isn't something i do...maybe my co-coach(who is also part owner and wants ever parent to be happy)...but not me at all. I said I don't have to tell them doesn't mean that I didn't. But my whole thing is that they don't have reasoning/right to question my judgment.
"sugar coating" isn't something i do...maybe my co-coach(who is also part owner and wants ever parent to be happy)...but not me at all. I said I don't have to tell them doesn't mean that I didn't. But my whole thing is that they don't have reasoning/right to question my judgment.
I didn't mean YOU were sugar coating, I meant in general, that is what tends to happen (in my personal exprience). Generally parents get upset and just want to know "why". I am so glad to hear that you are the type of coach that does tell them the why. I think it is just human nature to get upset when you don't understand the reasoning. I'm not so sure it is questioning judgment than just wanting to know why.

Thanks for providing a coach's perspective. :)
MNCheerMom said:
I didn't mean YOU were sugar coating, I meant in general, that is what tends to happen (in my personal exprience). Generally parents get upset and just want to know "why". I am so glad to hear that you are the type of coach that does tell them the why. I think it is just human nature to get upset when you don't understand the reasoning. I'm not so sure it is questioning judgment than just wanting to know why.

Thanks for providing a coach's perspective. :)

Coaches should educate their kids and parents. It eliminates alot of drama. Alot.
1. i hate when your stunt doesnt work and someone else blames it on everyone but themselves ... its a group effort its everyones fault.

2. i hate when people switch gyms mid season. finish the season with YOUR team. i know things get bad but how bad can they really get if you have to switch in the middle.

3. i hate when girls walk around comps with thier sirts unzipped and rolled .... your representing your team make yourself look classy

4. i love that some of the things in this thread are exactly what im thinking :)
and i just thought of another one ....

if your daughter is on the team and your not the main coach you have no right to be coaching that team and making her the center for everyhing and point flier we understand you think your daughter is the best but she is not the whole team there are more girls ... dont know if this happened to anyone else but it has happened to me when i was cheering. her mom wasd a coach but on the younger team and she came in to coach our team all the time and made her daughter seem the best ever
I didn't mean YOU were sugar coating, I meant in general, that is what tends to happen (in my personal exprience). Generally parents get upset and just want to know "why". I am so glad to hear that you are the type of coach that does tell them the why. I think it is just human nature to get upset when you don't understand the reasoning. I'm not so sure it is questioning judgment than just wanting to know why.

Thanks for providing a coach's perspective. :)

No problem... but i feel when a parent provides me with the XYZ(that I obviously know bc i do work with them) than they are questioning judgment.
Since we back to venting. HOW ABOUT the girl (or guy) on the team that fakes injuries constantly. Every team has one. They fake being hurt for attention, sympathy, just to get out of practice for a while. Even worse is when they pretend it hurts so baddddd but battle through it so they can play they "I just love my team so much I couldn't imagine not doing this for them. I'm giving it my all right now guys and you should too" card. Stop trying to make people feel bad for you.
I think parent's have a right to ask questions, but they need to take the answers they are given. I know I for one ask a lot of questions just because I like to know everything. But you have to know when enough is enough.
I hate how little of cheerleading they show on ESPN! I wait all year to see Worlds on TV (because I'm not lucky enough to actually go) and when I sit down to watch it, its an hour long! Really! How can you condense ALL of those routines into 40 minutes of programming! :( Disappointing.
I hate the teammate who turns up late, tells me how to fly, asks for high fives after doing semi-okay on an easy warm up skill and then plays the blame game when we start repping harder skills- even though he missed the last training when we were taught proper technique he still tries to fix everyone (including the freakin flyer!). Or looks around at other stunt groups moving on to harder skills and says he wants to move on to stretch when his extension is jank and his lib is lobster gripped :O Or says we don't need a spot … if your flyer wants a spot you get a freakin spot, she's the one that's ultimately going to eat mat.

I love confidence in a base, I despise unfounded cockiness. Ugh. (If my double downs weren't so perfect I'd elbow him in the face to shut him up ;) )
I Love The Way You Worded This, I Died A Little!

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