All-Star Venting (all Star Subjects)

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I'd like to take a second to vent about some of you on this thread. WE DON'T ACTUALLY MEAN IT WHEN WE SAY WE'RE GOING TO DROP A FLIER OR HURT THEM. Honestly? You take us that seriously. I'm sorry you're so naive. It's a joke people, we of all people as bases would never intentionally drop a flier. So stop getting so worked up over it and being jerks to us when we joke around. It's humor, deal with it.

Since we are now venting about people in this thread, I would like to vent that I dislike when someone finds some way to bash another gym in multiple threads because they are rivals or from the same state. Sportsmanship needs to be worked on by a few people who post.

As for dropping people, your joke about dropping people ISN'T funny so is it really a joke? Joking about possibly injuring someone is NOT funny. I guess i'm just too "naive" to understand the "humor" in it. Or possibly I am just mature enough to realize it isn't funny.
I didn't say I am ok with people getting called that. In saying male cheerleaders whine and complain all the time about being called that, well try actually being gay. Then complain about that word. If you want people to stop calling you gay than man up a bit and deal. Like for serious.

I cant deal with you right now.
I didn't say I am ok with people getting called that. In saying male cheerleaders whine and complain all the time about being called that, well try actually being gay. Then complain about that word. If you want people to stop calling you gay than man up a bit and deal. Like for serious.

Rudags is the most "manned up" gay guy I know. I say this courteously, but maybe you should consider easing off the posting a little bit and do a little more reading and think before you insult.
Rudags is the most "manned up" gay guy I know. I say this courteously, but maybe you should consider easing off the posting a little bit and do a little more reading and think before you insult.
wasn't talking about him. Idk him. My vent was that I hate when straight guys whine about being called gay for cheering. I don't even know why everyone freaking out and every time I try to explain myself I dig myself into a deeper hole.
We share a facility with a gymnastics group that has class before our allstar team, and it's pretty annoying when the gymnastics people stay way past their allotted time, leave their stuff (mats, personal belongings, water bottles, etc.) all over the floor and we have to take time to clean up while their kids are still running around playing on the equipment.
I didn't say I am ok with people getting called that. In saying male cheerleaders whine and complain all the time about being called that, well try actually being gay. Then complain about that word. If you want people to stop calling you gay than man up a bit and deal. Like for serious.

you seriously need to stop posting.. for a few weeks and come back with a different attitude!
I don't even know why everyone freaking out and every time I try to explain myself I dig myself into a deeper hole.

Because clearly you dont think before you post and sometimes dont know what you're writing until someone calls you out on it..

SO THINK kiddo...
I'd like to take a second to vent about some of you on this thread. WE DON'T ACTUALLY MEAN IT WHEN WE SAY WE'RE GOING TO DROP A FLIER OR HURT THEM. Honestly? You take us that seriously. I'm sorry you're so naive. It's a joke people, we of all people as bases would never intentionally drop a flier. So stop getting so worked up over it and being jerks to us when we joke around. It's humor, deal with it.

ohhh Ray.. if i were a flyer and i said "im going to butt and not squeeze and when i fall i expect you guys to catch me also just know im going to kick and scream and swing my arms everywhere to make sure that i hit everyone and knock some of your teeth out so you guys will have gorgeous action shots! not only that but im going to make sure i give you guys 2 black eyes. HEY IT WILL SAVE YALL FROM USING THE MAKE UP YOU GUYS WILL HAVE THE SMOKEY LOOK GOING ON!"

would you want to fly me then?
I hate when people act like they're the coach.
I hate when people tell me I'm doing something wrong when they don't do the same part.
I hate when people talk during stunts.
I hate when people are lazy. Especially with motions. I kind of understand not throwing tumbling, but really, motions? Not that difficult.
I hate when I'm in the back because I'm not as little and cute as other girls on my team. I'm really not being bitter, and I'm not being arrogant either, I just get aggravated when the little girls are the front for everything when many of us in the back have better motions, dance, jumps etc.
I hate when people bicker.
I hate when people get aggravated with you for not doing something, when they're not doing it either.

That was quite a rant for me. I also hate when people complain, so I never say any of this to anyone, but it's good to get it out. :)
wasn't talking about him. Idk him. My vent was that I hate when straight guys whine about being called gay for cheering. I don't even know why everyone freaking out and every time I try to explain myself I dig myself into a deeper hole.

I believe you when you say you mean well - and I know you werent talking about me. However, I am saying that guys (esp. straight ones) have every right to be upset if someone calls them gay because they cheer - and saying that you think its annoying is ignorant.
I didn't say I am ok with people getting called that. In saying male cheerleaders whine and complain all the time about being called that, well try actually being gay. Then complain about that word. If you want people to stop calling you gay than man up a bit and deal. Like for serious.

if you're gay, you're gay, but if you're not it's quite annoying to be called something you're not especially if its not true. rumors spread easily and quickly so yes it IS annoying.....
I just want to comment on the issue of 'joking about dropping your top' as motivation. It's a bad idea for a number of reasons people have mentioned but for me the big one is that the things we say, words, matter. They define our reality in ways that can sometimes surprise us.

Anything that is said often enough is eventually accepted and then believed as fact -- whether it's true or not. It's one of the cornerstones that advertising and marketing are built upon.

So while you may initially get good results telling the top you are going to drop her if she bends her knee one more time it's not the 'joking' threat that is getting the response, it's the body language, tone of voice and everything else that is letting her know that you're frustrated and need to see progress now! So you say, "Ok then, what's the harm in me saying whatever as long as she gets the message and starts performing?" The issue is that the more times you use it, eventually saying it at every practice several times, the cumulative effect will be to erode her trust in you. And while you may believe that you would NEVER drop her intentionally, sometimes it does happen that the girl hits the mat. That re-enforcement of your words will probably be enough to sabotage that stunt pairing for a long time, if not permanently.

I'm not an advocate of 'be positive all the time, no matter what', seriously, there are times you need to let people know you are pissed that things aren't working and need to change (this goes for life in general) but what you say when you reach that point can have long term impact in a positive or negative way. Always try to address the action -- don't attack the person. For example; 'standing with your knee locked out will make it so I can adjust underneath you and keep you up there' rather than 'you never lock your leg and it's like trying to hold up a rag doll'.

I've been a co-ed base for a long time now. Taken my fair share of lumps doing so (broken nose, stitches, dislocated fingers, etc.) and yes, do joke a fair bit with the girls I work with -- but never in a way that will make them doubt my commitment to catching them and keeping them from being hurt if I possibly can.

We're involved in an activity that is inherently unsafe. So doing anything, even 'jokingly' that pushes it further towards risk needs to be carefully thought out.
PS gay and an adult, and gay in hs. Two very different things.

Im pretty sure thats not 100% true. In fact, I know it isnt. Plenty of grown adult gay males and females have an easier time in high school than they do right now at this stage in the game. Simply put, the world can be a harsh place no matter what age you are, what gender you are, what sexual orientation you are, etc....
my peeve is people who give up! Especially in pyramids!! if they drop a stunt or miss a count they just stand there and watch... i just wanna yell at them to do something...anything!!! I base in the middle stunt group and one side has a lazy flyer who bums out and then they dont do anything and then we get pulled about like ragdolls