All-Star Venting (all Star Subjects)

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I hate when you get put it a harder tumbling skill and it was someone elses spot and everyone says they should still be there and you should not and you get no praise, only crap from everyone.
I was talking to some guys in my math class about male cheerleaders the other day; one wrestles and the other one plays baseball. I asked them how holding a girl up and catching her is gay? and the boys responded "It just is." They didn't even have a good answer. And when I asked them why guys in spandex tackling each other isn't gay they said "It just isn't." I don't even know why they think that all men who cheer are gay; after all cheer was started by college frat boys.

There answers tell me one thing, they just realized they're in a gay sport and that cheerleading isn't. lol

And my gym owner was actually one of the founding fathers of cheer leading!
See.... Thats crazy to me. In the area I am from - If my gym, or if any of the surrounding gyms I am from did taht - they would close down.

This doesn't seem fair, isn't there a rule against it?
While all coaches are certainly welcome to become USASF Credentialed coaches, we must remember that a lot of the skills performed in All Star are not allowed at the school level. School cheerleaders should follow AACCA Rules ( and we encourage all All Star coaches to have both USASF and AACCA Certifications. The AACCA Course says The AACCA Spirit Safety Certification Program is designed to educate cheerleading and dance coaches in all aspects of spirit safety and risk management. The USASF Coaches Credentialing Program ( says Coaches Credentialing organizes coaching competency in three core subjects. Tumbling, stunts and tosses are evaluated.

Hope that helps!

I think she was saying that High School cheer coaches should also be required to have USASF and AACCA credentialing, and even though the high school level is not allowed to perform higher level skills it would be smart for the coaches to have an educated background in all aspects of cheer.
Hey, listen up ,all. Gay or not gay, this is a HARD SPORT! We once had a guy on our coed team who said he had played football AND baseball, BUT cheerleading was THE hardest by far...oh and the most fun. Either way, ROCK ON, male cheerleaders! Our sport wouldn't be 1/5th as interesting if you weren't around. <3

"Manly" football players throw 1/2 pound footballs; "gay" cheerleaders throw 100+ pound people!
Haha call me cliche :)
ohhh Ray.. if i were a flyer and i said "im going to butt and not squeeze and when i fall i expect you guys to catch me also just know im going to kick and scream and swing my arms everywhere to make sure that i hit everyone and knock some of your teeth out so you guys will have gorgeous action shots! not only that but im going to make sure i give you guys 2 black eyes. HEY IT WILL SAVE YALL FROM USING THE MAKE UP YOU GUYS WILL HAVE THE SMOKEY LOOK GOING ON!"

would you want to fly me then?
i wish i could shimmy this a million times! And i just have to say, i pride myself as a backspot, and not allowing my girls to hit the floor...but when your dealing with a head-case flyer, and shes knocked you out before...sometimes (if you tell them or not) you want them to come out of the just as a prelude to my vent...

I hate that people think fliers are the most valuable individuals on the team, and as long as they dont get hurt...its fine that her base has a broken nose and her back has a concussion....If it wasn't for us, they wouldn't be in the air now would they?
I hate when I get the same choreographer EVERY year, who ALWAYS puts shorter people in the front for everything and taller people at the back. I know the reasoning for this, but I would like my time to shine atleast once every few decades.
Also, I hate when the two girls who haven't turned up to the last 4 or 5 trainings, finally turn up for once and get front center of our performance routine. Good thing it wasn't competition routine :p
So people post random threads to vent about all kinds of things in the All Star world.
Well I started this to be one huge venting thread.

I'm going to start off with saying how incredibly irritating it is when a non-cheerleader guy tells me how "gay" it is that I'm in competitive cheerleading. It doesn't matter what sport they play, it always involves them showering, playing, being together with a bunch of guys. And yet my sport allows me to be surrounded by some of the most gorgeous, mostly intelligent ^_^, outgoing girls/women. Who change in front of us, we hang out with them all day, etc. I'm trying not to sound like a pervert here because I do have a girlfriend who is on one of the teams I cheer with. But really, why do these guys think I'm the "gay" one? Especially when the few gay guys on my team could out perform almost every single one of those guys on other sports. UGH! Venting completed.

Feel free to post what you want to vent about in the All Star world.
I AGREE!! When i cheered i was called "gay" everyday at school, and I always said that I'm the one who gets to hangout with girls all day while you are in the locker room doing who knows what with a bunch of guys!!
You ain't ever lied!

The football players gave me a hard time for choosing to be a male cheerleader up until they actually saw what I was doing. I would constantly tell them that I am doing pretty hard stuff that takes a lot of practice to get. Once they saw what I was doing they then came up to me and pretty much said, "Oh, man, you weren't joking."

Later on in the football season, one of the football players actually said, 'I don't care how "gay" they think you are, but no one on the football team can do what you do, man." That really touched me because it came from an actual FOOTBALL player, lol. It was kind of awesome because some of them got a taste of what cheer was like; a lot of the football players could do back flips and what not, but none could stunt on my level, so we called them over and had them try toss to hands (about ten of them). We told them what to do--the technique and everything. What happened? The fliers' feet barely made it past their knees.

The football players were both embarrassed and amazed at how high I could toss the girls compared to them and most of them then said that I was "a beast". Aha. So, I guess you have to SHOW them what you do for them to not call you gay, which is absolutely insane, nonetheless. Just keep doing you and what you love and the haters will only hate.

Thats the way to shut them up. If I was a male I definitely would have been a cheerleader, a chance to be around so many girls, duh...... that's a no brainer.
I hate it when someone will ask you for help, you take the 10 - 15 minutes of your practice time that it takes to help them, and then they go and just change it... YOU ASKED FOR MY HELP GENIUS! ughhhh. Or If your watching your routine, and something looks hideous, so you tell the person politely to sharpen up their motions (as an example) and they freak out because heaven forbid you gave them a piece of advice that will keep them from looking like a hot mess...