All-Star Venting (all Star Subjects)

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I really just hate the fact that non cheer people view us
(i mean all of us guys that cheer) all as being gay and are constantly saying what we do isnt a sport cause i know as a Straight male cheerleader with a short fuse i put my all into this sport i put my all into my gym and for people to 1 say im gay for it that will quickly send me over the edge and then to say that what ever they do is more of a sport well that just tops it off for me and eventhough i want to retaliate in a very violent way sooo bad i know i cant cause i know there's gym full of guys and girls that need me and i cant let them down cause some idiot football player dosent understand he couldnt last 1 single day doing what i do but i could out do him in his "sport" everyday of the week. The real question is how could any guy that cheers be gay when we are surrounded by girls on a daily basis, i know id take a whole gym full of girls over a small lockeroom of guys anyday now thats gay if you ask me just sayin.

HOLY RUNON!!! I ran out of breath reading this lol...

SN very good point :-) (sorry i just had to pick on you)
1. I hate when the older girls act like there one of the 9 year olds.
2.HATE when after you compete someone complains about how terrible the team did & how were not going to win.
2b. LOVE when we win. ;)
3. Not to sound completely terrible. but i hate like bad level 5. like when i say that i mean, level 5 who doesn't hit there stunts & can't double down, has one double full, a couple fulls & mostly layouts. DONT push a level 5, you can tell.
3. Not to sound completely terrible. but i hate like bad level 5. like when i say that i mean, level 5 who doesn't hit there stunts & can't double down, has one double full, a couple fulls & mostly layouts. DONT push a level 5, you can tell.

Agreed. That is something a lot of people need to realize lol.
I'd like to take a second to vent about some of you on this thread. WE DON'T ACTUALLY MEAN IT WHEN WE SAY WE'RE GOING TO DROP A FLIER OR HURT THEM. Honestly? You take us that seriously. I'm sorry you're so naive. It's a joke people, we of all people as bases would never intentionally drop a flier. So stop getting so worked up over it and being jerks to us when we joke around. It's humor, deal with it.
Time for a list!
1. I hate when people have bad attitudes at practice-really cause your not helping anyone
2. I hate when people that dont work their hardest at practice come off the mat crying cause they messe up-really should have worked harder at the gym
3. I hate negative people-the ones who look at a comp sched and say "oh we're gonna lose loook who were up against"
4. I hate excessive cheer mom's who coach from parent area-anyone ever notice the parents that go with the flow kids are awesome and the ones who coach from the side suck...knock it off
5. I hate people who think they are so much better then you all the time
6. I hate that all male cheerleader are gay...really so is your mom
7. I hate when flyers freak out in baskets and come plummiting down to mat feet first...sorry your about to hit the mat I like my nose not broken
8. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I feel better : )

i espically agree with the first 2.....being negative gets you NO WHERE and just makes the practice more stressful for everyone, and makes you look dumb.....and the people who never throw their tumbling, or mark their stunts....are the ones who DO in fact do poorly on the floor and i dont feel bad for them.
I'd like to take a second to vent about some of you on this thread. WE DON'T ACTUALLY MEAN IT WHEN WE SAY WE'RE GOING TO DROP A FLIER OR HURT THEM. Honestly? You take us that seriously. I'm sorry you're so naive. It's a joke people, we of all people as bases would never intentionally drop a flier. So stop getting so worked up over it and being jerks to us when we joke around. It's humor, deal with it.

As the mom of a flyer who was dropped, fractured her back, and spent months in a hard plastic backbrace (23 1/2 hours per day) - it infuriates me that you would even joke about it!
I'd like to take a second to vent about some of you on this thread. WE DON'T ACTUALLY MEAN IT WHEN WE SAY WE'RE GOING TO DROP A FLIER OR HURT THEM. Honestly? You take us that seriously. I'm sorry you're so naive. It's a joke people, we of all people as bases would never intentionally drop a flier. So stop getting so worked up over it and being jerks to us when we joke around. It's humor, deal with it.

Don't insult our intelligence either. This post actually makes you sound like you're back stepping to try to cover it up. I have had a girl admit to me that she does drop her flyer on purpose when she kicks her or butts out. (not necessarily on the ground but drops the stunt) You say you would never do that, but joking about it doesn't make it any less hurtful. Threatening a flyer that you would drop her (even if you never would) is just as degrading to her trust as if you were to drop her for real. My cp is both a flyer and a base. So this is coming from someone who is not biased. Stop being so "naive" in thinking we can't see right through this post.
My reply to him had a curse word and got edited, so I'll rewrite it cause it explains my comment more.

I don't feel all that discriminated against or anything, but people saying "I hate being called a fag cause I cheer" annoys me. Its not a big deal.
My reply to him had a curse word and got edited, so I'll rewrite it cause it explains my comment more.

I don't feel all that discriminated against or anything, but people saying "I hate being called a fag cause I cheer" annoys me. Its not a big deal.

Actually, it is a big deal. No one should use that word, regardless of the context (Unless referring to a pile of sticks). I have several straight friends that I cheered High School, Allstar, College, and even the boys I coach now - and if anyone dropped the f-bomb to one of my breeder teammates, they got the heat. Does it personally offend me to be called gay homophobic names? No, I agree with you that its not a big deal to me, but in the general sense of the word, and out of respect - it IS a big deal.
I didn't say I am ok with people getting called that. In saying male cheerleaders whine and complain all the time about being called that, well try actually being gay. Then complain about that word. If you want people to stop calling you gay than man up a bit and deal. Like for serious.

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