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just gonna throw my opinion out there... I have heard the word "fetus" used tons in cheer for a long time... and it's not necessarily a negative thing. It's just a term for a very small flyer. And people who use it are generally jealous that they don't have a flyer who is of age who is capable of doing senior level 5 skills at a senior 5 looking level. So, I don't usually mind that term. It's no secret that there are some itty bitty flyers out there.. but they prove themselves in the air... you can be as tiny as you want, but you have to be very strong and confident to hold yourself on a 1 1/2 up immediate body position... sooo i don't mind it. but again, just my opinion! The other stuff about being negative about other athletes is real!
I think "fetus" is a funny term when used in a non-insulting way, but a rude term when used in an insulting way.

At my gym we call our little fliers muffins, it's fun and harmless. [=
@MissBee you irritate me wherever you post because you're always trying to start an argument with your unnecessary comments. Weezy78 has a good point because no one should be using foul language here. If you can't express yourself in a mature, clean way then you should not be using this site. Also, it doesn't matter if he/she is from a certain gym and is mad about something that was said about them, he can rant and rave all day long about how angry they are about it. The fact is, they shouldn't have been using such language to do so. I expressed my dislike for you at the beginning of this post without using a single trash word. AND, he/she's an administrator, he/she can post whatever they want. Even if it's threatening to ban someone from the boards. So it doesn't matter if they are only posting because someone talked bad about their gym.

It's OK that I irritate you, I don't expect everyone to agree with everyone-what a boring world this would be if we did! As for your accusation that I'm trying to "always start an argument", that's just false. I will admit that I have no problem saying what others are afraid to, or to make a point that is not always popular. But, if it's something I feel strongly about, I'm going to say it.
My point in this post is not if the words used were inappropriate, but that Weezy was falsely accusing people of calling the athletes those words, when in fact they were using those words to describe the uniforms. Facts need to be accurate.
Yes, Weezy is an administrator on this site and yes, she can post what she likes (as can I, thanks to our rights as US Citizens). Weezy, or any other admin, should be letting people know what is and isn't appropriate-BUT it should be done in an appropriate way. To me, this sounded like threatening and bullying. I noticed that there had been other things said about other team's uniforms and performances that was just as bad as what was said about Top Guns. The difference is that Top Gun is the gym where Weezy's daughter competed-so she took it personally and used her position as admin to threaten to ban people who didn't like her gym, nothing was said about an unfavorable opinion of other gyms.
Like I said before, I don't care if you don't like my posts. But, I won't stand by idly while someone uses their position of "power" to bully others.
Would just like to point out that I was the one who commented on her size during BUTBT and I'm fairly certain I never used the term "fetus"... the issue that someone had with the post was that I was discussing her size in the first place more than the term I used. So that's a completely different discussion..
raymondgmckee said:
we call our little fliers muffins

This is cute! I also like small fry mentioned above. I think these terms just sound a little more "cutesy" and fun than the f word.
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To "MissBee" - Threat/Warning is not semantics. They are 2 different words with 2 different meanings. I have defended other gyms and other programs. I really don't care whether you believe me or not OR whether or not your feel I "used" my "power" as an Admin to influence what is said about my "team". There have been numerous posts about the new TG IOC5 uniform that I have not censored and/or replied to. Posters on the board are welcome to have their opinions about Top Gun or any other program for that matter as long as they use appropriate verbiage.

To "CheerinIL" - The person who made those comments while using ACE in their user name was banned and/or deleted from the board. I don't know which one as when I went to ban them, another Admin/Moderator had beat me to it.

To the rest of you who think the use of the word "fetus" is ok when describing a small flyer. What if someone had used the word "heffer" in describing a larger flyer? I am pretty certain there would have been all kinds of outrage at that poster.

I will continue to defend Top Gun, their athletes as well as any other program/athletes when inappropriate verbiage is used. If you don't like it, find another board to post on.

Have a nice day and happy posting :).
My daughter is a teeny tiny and she is referred to as "small girl" because that is what she is. She is not a fetus.
And I'm tired of people saying that having a tiny flyer is such an advantage.... having big bases is and advantage.... having big muscular boys vs small skinny ones is an advantage.... It's all about how you put the TEAM together. Everyone has the same field.... thats what competition is. What should they do with small girls that are age appropriate and skill appropriate for heavens sake?
My daughter is a teeny tiny and she is referred to as "small girl" because that is what she is. She is not a fetus.
And I'm tired of people saying that having a tiny flyer is such an advantage.... having big bases is and advantage.... having big muscular boys vs small skinny ones is an advantage.... It's all about how you put the TEAM together. Everyone has the same field.... thats what competition is. What should they do with small girls that are age appropriate and skill appropriate for heavens sake?

I don't think anyone's saying that smaller girls shouldn't be on the team...just mentioning that they are indeed small. In this specific case, it's pretty obvious Gabby (is it Gabi or Gabby?) has the skill set to be on the team.
Many times people learn that their post is in poor taste by the public reaction to their comment. Sometimes people try to politely let them know what they said can be taken wrong, and other times people let them know in harsher terms.

I think this is one of the best ways to "police" a forum anyway. Many of us still remember a huge mess on Prox about admins policing the site based on favortism. I am not saying that is what is happening here but I do feel letting the public call out an offense has a much greater impact.
My daughter has been called that "fetus" once upon a time. It is offensive when you first see it but then you have to look at the fact that this is a message board. Has no influence what so ever in who she is going to become. I would rather see the rule/band of using children's last name on the boards. Just my 2 cents.
I don't think anyone's saying that smaller girls shouldn't be on the team...just mentioning that they are indeed small. In this specific case, it's pretty obvious Gabby (is it Gabi or Gabby?) has the skill set to be on the team.

She is AGE elig. and has AMAZING body awareness in the air that is why she is on the team and deserves to be there.
She is AGE elig. and has AMAZING body awareness in the air that is why she is on the team and deserves to be there.

Yes, we are on the same page on that. Did my post read that I didn't think she should?

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