This is a tough thread. We have all been praying it doesn't come up because this whole thing has been a very nasty business here in Charlotte. Because of many things said here that aren't true and my more intimate knowledge of the opening I want to clear up some issues.
1. Other gyms in the Charlotte area are not feeders for CAC. A large portion of our kids start as Tinys/Minis and stay for 12 years. We also have a strong gymnastics and pre-school program which brings many kids to the Allstar side. Likewise there are many strong programs in the area that train their athletes long term as well. CAC has a good relationship with them and we enjoy competing against each other.
2. CEA Charlotte's opening is being led by a former CAC Mom that left 3 or 4 years ago. There were issues when she left. I won't list them here out of respect CAC and her.
3. The CEA location was specifically chosen to be close to CAC. This is a huge city with a lot of open space. One location originally considered was 1 mile from CAC on our same road. It was the original gym where CAC started over 20 years ago. I personally find this ironic. I do not know why this one wasn't chosen but the current one is 4 miles away.
4. The fake Facebook was created by someone who supported CEA as that person specifically asked the kids to attend CEA tryouts. That is recruiting.
5. Flyers have been handed out by CEA or thier supporters at our local coompetitions to bring kids to the new location. I do not know if it was staff or the supporters. I have heard CEA parents are given credit for athletes brought into the program so it could have been a parent. I do not claim to know those specifics though.
6. CEA management SPECIFICALLY told one of our staff in person they were opening this location to take our CAC level 5 kids.
7. There were two larger groups of kids that left CAC to go to CEA in the past. Some youth kids left one year (approx 4-5) and a group of Senior 5 kids left another (approx 10-12). I think that was the year SE won Worlds. Since then there have been some here or there and some have come back.
8. CAC will lose some kids. Some will choose to go elsewhere because this may not the environment for them. Some have had tough years and want to try something new. And then there are our core group of kids that believe in what CAC is about and would never leave. The great thing about CAC is we never burn bridges. We wish kids the best when they leave and open the door to them if they come back. This has worked well for us in the past.
I am sure these statements will upset many but the bottom line is they are true. The opening of CEA is a personal target to specifically recruit CAC kids and other programs around us. I fully believe in a free market and aside from the fake Facebook account I do not think anything here is illegal. However it bothers me that gyms use these type tactics to build their program. To me it is unethical and unprofessional but everyone else has to make up their own mind.
CAC will be fine. They've been in business for over 20 years. They know what they are doing.
Most of what you outline here is the exact replica of what happened in Raleigh. The only difference is it was MySpace and the old boards then. Like this case whomever posted the info was said not to be from CEA. And even though I left the state it is what I heard from fellow coaches that happened in Sanford and Greenville. The things that always bothered me:
1.) That even though it is well known internationally that they do not
have to recruit, it is the experience of many in NC that someone with some type of affiliation with the program does. Even if it is just a "crazed fan", no one ever seems to shut them down. It has happened at the opening of every new gym since Raleigh. Not saying it was approved or authorized. But it did happen.
2.) Every new opening in NC seems to coincidentally coincide with a newer or younger programs sudden rise to the Level 5 division, a Mini 3 (now gone) or super strong Youth 3, 4 or 5 type team. As we have all learned these are the teams that are typically positioned to train Level 5 for years in their system. (Nothing wrong with that.) So for me based on what I have seen as an outsider, it is more about other programs in the CLT area that are on the rise, with the added draw of being close to CAC.
3.) As has been stated yes it makes sense to put programs where people have already shown a willingness to pay for cheer, and in particular to pay on that level. Yet that does not diminish the anguished feelings of those who have worked hard to build a business only to see someone else come in and pick from crops they have not planted. They feel like they are finally positioned to make some steps and wham they have to start all over again. That hurts. It can be dealt with and survive, but it still hurts.
4.) Parents have the right to go wherever they choose. It is a free market economy. As long as it is done the right way, more power to them. Yet many parents didn't know how "unhappy" they were until someone from the new program tells them. If you choose to leave, leave peacefully, by yourself and do not burn bridges.
5.) That anyone who disagrees is automatically branded a hater and is liable to be swimming with the :sharkchase: - with zebra striped concrete Nfinity's and a 4" teal bow. :help: Courtney has done amazing things with CEA. Whether you like them or not, there success can not be denied. I admire her business acumen. I do not question her motivations or reasoning. The things mentioned may just be collateral damages or simply outsider observations as the fallout occurs.