you can't say you expected more from a program when you don't even know who started the fake facebook. it was probably a 12 year old. if Courtney herself made the facebook... then sure. But she didn't, so don't judge CEA off one anonymous (most likely a kid's) actions.
True and for the record i never said a coach or owner did it. I don't know who did and am really not interested to find out.
However, when I wear Aviator attire, what I do and say reflects on my program (and what I say here reflects on the program) even though I'm not Keith or Ashley Bagwell. Unfair...yes. True. Yes. That's why I chose what I comment on, and how I comment carefully. That's something the Bagwells have trained in the Aviator family since the day they opened the doors three years ago.
What my students do, dressed in my uniforms, or when they do something dumb and end up in the paper associated as a "---- high school student" reflects on my school whether I want it to or not. Unfair, yes. True. Yes. It's just the way it is.
Unfortunately, even if it was a 12 year old kid, it still reflects on the program. And if it's happened multiple times as folks have indicated here, that only continues to reflect on the program if obvious, public efforts havent occured over the instances to stop it from happening again. Or at least establish an official gym statement and/or response to anyone who would think to disrespect their program that way (cause lets face it, you can't control your fans as much as you wish you could).
I think that's unfortunate, but I also think its the program's responsibility to address it, privately, publicly and/or with the gym owners that it happened specifically to. Even if they are not involved (again, not saying they are) that's the thing leadership has to do to deal with these things out of their control and try to fix them. As a high school principal I do a lot of damage control and apologizing or directly addressing things that happened that I had nothing to do with. It's what you have to do as the "chief of state" when something reflects poorly on your organization.
Again, I'm nobody important so I wouldn't know specifically if the leadership of CEA has reached out to the effected gyms to offer their explanation and or apology or response for the recruiting issue last week. I have a lot of respect for CEA so I'm just going to assume that's happened, which is why I'm basically over this entire thing.
What I'm ready for is invigorated competition in the city of Charlotte!