All-Star What Got You Into Cheer?

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My CP was 4 and the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader tryouts came on TV. She was really into it. She did everything they were doing (running, sit ups, dancing). After that She wanted to do cheer. She begged and begged. At the time she was in Tae Kwo Do and they were doing a weapons camp that she was too young for. Her brother was doing it, though. I felt bad, so I found a local all star gym that was offering camp for ages 5 and up. I signed her up anyway because they didn't ask for proof of age. 7 years later and we are still going.

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CP got involved because I let her get the mail one day when she was 5. There was a flyer in the mail from a local gym and she begged to try it. I called and talked to the owner about it. She came for a tiny practice. The first comp was 2 weeks away and they let her be in the routine. She just finished her 6th season. Stupid flyer :rolleyes:
My middle CP seen a neighbor girl doing cartwheels when she was almost 4. An employee of mine was a HS cheerleader and told me about a "local" gym. She was only supposed to take classes but somehow we ended up doing a "mini" all star team. Oldest CP did dance, ski lessons, basketball, then at the age of 14 wanted to do all star cheer. Now our youngest CP has taken tumbling lessons, and now wants to do all star team, she's 6. The one bonus is that our oldest CP is now doing HS Varsity Sideline and Competitive cheer, so whew on my checkbook!

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CP got involved because I let her get the mail one day when she was 5. There was a flyer in the mail from a local gym and she begged to try it. I called and talked to the owner about it. She came for a tiny practice. The first comp was 2 weeks away and they let her be in the routine. She just finished her 6th season. Stupid flyer :rolleyes:'s funny how a lot of our CP's kinda snuck themselves in!

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My friend started it in 5th grade and she brought me to a class, after that I talked my mom into letting me take tumbling classes. The next season I tried out for the competitive team! It's funny because she doesn't cheer anymore and I still do :D
for me, school came after allstar and I was very hesitant at first, but now I love cheering football games! Not as much as competing but I enjoy it.

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Princess Hotmess was watching ESPN and World's was on and she was doing everything the athletes were doing and come running down the hall and drags me to the Tv and shows me the point flyer on I think was a World Cup team and says I wanna do what she does and the rest is history.
My CP was taking gymnastics and a cheer class at our old gym. She was perfectly content with it until a couple of the cheer coaches approached us about switching to all-star. Not because she was talented, but because she was well behaved, listened well, and followed direction well. I saw the prices and it completely turned me off. I told my CP that it was too expensive, and she was too young (5 years old). I told her to wait until she was in the 2nd grade and if she wanted to do it, we would consider it then.

Well....the summer before 2nd grade she still remembered our conversation and the rest is history. She loves it...most of the time!
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I did a cheer class at my summer camp, I was really tiny so they put me in a prep and I thought it was the coolest thing ever....I thought I was so high up haha. I really loved it but I didn't know what all star cheer was since there wasn't a gym near my town and there was no rec or school cheer programs. One day when I was getting dropped off for karate class (yes I did karate...) I saw a car painted with an all star gyms name. I googled it and discovered all star cheer and the rest is history :)

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I did popwarner for a year and I hated the cheering part of it but loved the stunting. My best friend was cheering and wanted me to try it. So I did midyear and loved it. So I tried out and I'm hooked for life.:D
When I was in the 5th grade, I ran across a 2by2 video and decided I was going to become a flyer. My parents hated the idea though, so it took a lot of convincing. Finally, the summer between 6th and 7th grade they let me try out at an allstar gym..but pulled me out before the first practice. I was crushed. They ended up letting me tryout for my high school team for sophomore year. My high school team was competitive and had a rule in place that you can't stunt or be put in the routine until you got your backhandspring, so back to the allstar gym I went to take privates so I would be able to fly on my high school team.
Fast forward to junior year and I'm now on a team at that allstar gym and have never been happier!
I was so excited to try out for co-captain of my squad my junior year. My sophomore year had been rough (I lost a close friend, also on the squad, to some really pointless drama), and I was ready to start fresh. Well, when I got to the tryout clinic I learned that the one candidate for captain and the other two candidates for co-captain (we had two co-captain spots so only 1 of us wasn't going to make it) had gotten to learn the material the day before and were teaching it to us. (What made it better was that one of the other co-captain candidates was my exbestfriend that made my sophomore year so bad... Wow, high school sounds so lame) I asked my coach about it and she said she had asked them to oversee the tryout clinic. (We'd all been on the squad the same number of years.) We were still to have a "formal captain/co-captain tryout", but seriously? Of course I didn't make co-captain, and I was devastated. I felt like I'd never be good enough to cheer again. I lost all respect for my coach and myself. But I've always been told, when God tells you "no", he's saving you for something better. Less than two weeks later my sister asked to go to an AllStar cheer gym close to our town. I tagged along and knew I had to be a part of it. I fell in love with the sport, and how professional and challenging it was. I gained so much respect for my coach, who pushed me to be the best I could be. Within a year I was on the Senior 2 team (my coach took a chance on me even though I was a horrible tumbler), and loving every minute of it. This year I have the absolute honor of coaching youth 1 and 2 teams, and I hope to get credentialed for level 2 and maybe 3 this summer. Cheerleading has allowed me to meet so many amazing people and become the person I am today, and I wouldn't change a thing! Not making co-captain was the best thing that ever happened to me ;)

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