I fell in Love with Cheerleading after seeing Greenup County in the High School Championships back in the Olden-Days on tv, 1981.. and then I was Infatuated with the cheerleaders at my high school in southeastern ohio, I just Loved all of them! I wanted to tumble just to say I could do it... went to the YMCA, and pulled out a crash mat, and threw myself backwards, and learned a BHS, and a ROBHS in one evening, went to school and tumbled across the floor at a pep assembly, and that was it!!! Never cheered in school, had to many Big Brothers, who would have kicked my Butt.... I did get involved with my little sisters elementary school team, went to camp and learned how to coach, and started coaching my first team in 1984!!!!! Went thru the ranks and coached every elementary school, Junior High., and High School Team in my town, and gradually made my way into All-Stars in 1996!!! I am in my 30th Season as a Coach, and I LOVE it!!!! I can still tumble with all of the kids that I coach, I choreograph, judge, teach camps, just Everything in cheerleading, and I have Loved watching how Cheer has evolved since Back in Tha Day!!!!! I am glad that it is my Career Job now, and I have coached kids in Ohio, West Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania!!! I am in my 30th Anniversary, and am ready for the next 30 as well....!!!!! Cheers!!!:fro: