I am more of the mindset of strength issues. It is annoying to see minis on youth teams flying.....how are those bases/backspots/flyers ever really learning to use their body control effectively. Sooooo many videos of people stunting with a baby that amazingly can be tight. cute, but, there is so much solidness under them....But give youth-aged kids the time to learn proper stunting tech with age/size-peers and they are developing proper tech, muscle strength, and stamina. Give micro-flyers to junior groups is not really developing them as fully as if they were working as precisely with an age/size-mate. Then get to seniors.....oh, we ABSOLUTELY need much smaller flyers to do that stunt :/ But fast-forward, watching flyers actually be moved back down to actual age groups in a new cheer season.....they really have to perfect their technique in flying - but - gasp - have to work just as hard at pulling up/staying tight/proper technique. Annnnnd, the stunt group has to gain that strength/stamina and GREAT technique to make the stunt work. My cp spent 4 years on youth, as her peers absolutely did 3. She had a full at 9. Didn't get to compete it until last year of youth. She didn't feel held back. Maybe just a little ahead in running tumbling for a small time, but really perfected that layout-stepout and her stunting. oh, and.....yes we had athletes on those teams that didn't have the required tumbling skills, but were absolute necessities for stunting/pyr/etc. They threw extra needed baskets while some dynamo tumbled again. Just my opinion, but I think absolute age values USASF wide would encourage creativity, strength, stamina and development. IMO, stunt groups need that time with age/size-mates. I know I'm in the minority, though