I agree 100 percent with what you have posted
@Kris. In an industry that has created skills that almost mandate using the smaller sized and often younger aged fliers to do the transitional work the score sheet requires, what happens when you eliminate the ability to put them on the team when they do have the true skill to be on that team? When you are already struggling to find a good fit for them? Small gyms struggle enough just to field level appropriate teams, then being told they have to compete against gyms that can stack crossovers to the ceiling or sandbag an entire team in a division. The competitions they could once go to in order to groom their program are constantly being bought out by the monopoly and being priced out of their range or shut down completely. Then told they didn't try hard enough or their coaches simply aren't good enough.:banghead: Altering the age limit would be another major blow to these gyms
It would definitely hurt our gym. We would adjust, but it would hurt. While we came up with an answer for us to try to hold on to them until they become age eligible in starting a power tumbling program, lots of smaller gyms don't have that option.