All-Star What Is Your Cost?

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It might be better on cash flow during the year (which is why we did it) but well never pay up front again.
At the gym I work at, you get a discount up front if you pay in full..., at least that way for the kids, all is taken care of, other than parent charges, the only other thing that you pay for is the uniform, which I guess would make it nice for the parents....:fro:
large gym, only pay for worlds and gas to and from practice 50$ per week, usually i just cheer for free, but i have to drive now which is costly...
At the gym I work at, you get a discount up front if you pay in full..., at least that way for the kids, all is taken care of, other than parent charges, the only other thing that you pay for is the uniform, which I guess would make it nice for the parents....:fro:
We got a discount for paying up front. Ill still never do it again.
We got a discount for paying up front. Ill still never do it again.
I did that 3 seasons ago; it was the last year I had 2 cps in cheer. The discount was substantial enough though for me to do it (I want to say almost $1000 off) and it was nice not worrying about payments every month during the season. But agreed, would not do it again, even with just one in cheer.
I did that 3 seasons ago; it was the last year I had 2 cps in cheer. The discount was substantial enough though for me to do it (I want to say almost $1000 off) and it was nice not worrying about payments every month during the season. But agreed, would not do it again, even with just one in cheer.
I'd feel better about it now if the discount had been that good. Ours amounted to one months tuition which at the price we were paying was basically no discount at all. We did it for cash flow during the year (which ill admit is better through the season). But you live and learn I suppose.
328 miles round trip twice a week, just for regular practice, but the kids are so happy and it is not forever:)
Wow!!!! Ok, I won't complain about the 60 mile round trip twice per week (but during rush hour with traffic it takes 1 hour to get to the gym). Hope your kids appreciate what you are doing! How do they get their homework done? My daughter is struggling now because she doesn't get home until 3:30 and has to leave the house at 4:00 and has just enough time to eat and change and then out the door to practice arriving home around 9:30 - 10:00 p.m. depending on traffic. Thankfully it is only twice a week, but her practice is on Mondays & Wednesdays and this seems to be the days when she gets 2 hours or more of homework a night (she is in all honors or AP classes in high school). I nominate you for super parent!!!!
Medium sized gym, $3000. Not including privates, stunt class, travel expenses. Ugh, this thread makes me think about what I am constantly trying to much $ I'm spending! I prefer to live in denial and just pay monthly without thinking about the previous month!
Just a thought, but have any of you ever brought up to your owners about renting uniforms? we did it at my old all star gym and it saved a lot of money. For example, if the uni is 300 dollars, and used for 3 years, charge a 100 rent fee. The uniform pays for itself. Than our coach sold the old uniforms cheap as halloween costumes or for younger siblings to where when they go to competitions (20 top 20 skirt). It worked out so well, and it also saved money if somebodys CP grew a few inches in the off season.
My children attend a large gym I guess. My daughter is on level 5 and my son is on level 2. My daughter travels and my son does not so the cost for one kid is very different than the cost of the other. My daughter costs $5040. This does not include uniform, makeup, shoes, or travel. My son on the other hand costs $1900. This also does not include uniform, makeup, shoes, or travel. When I signed him up for cheer, I secretly wished my oldest was a boy too. ;)
Wow, cheer seems so much more expensive in the states!
Where I used to cheer (before I had to quit :( ) would have been £620 for the year (roughly $995) including 3 competitions (but not the travel to them or the overnight stays), 2 hours' tuition a week, practice wear and uniform hire.

I now only cheer for my university, which is £15 ($25) for the year, which is for 5 hours' training a week (optional 4 hours' extra without coach for free). Uniform (£80), shoes (buy your own), competitions and travel/hotels etc all extra.

For all the times I've wished I lived in the states because there are so many gyms etc., for once I'm glad I live here!
Fairly large gym, upper Midwest. Price breakdown is approximate and all prices are for my daughter's current Y3 team. Prices may differ slightly depending on team's level and competition schedule:

Tuition: $1200 - includes all team practices plus mandatory tumbling

Travel/Competition/Choreography: $2500 - includes all choreography camp fees, comp fees, hotels for all our two-day out-of-town comps and the athlete's non-refundable bus fee. Parents who want to ride the bus pay extra, so depending on how many trips you go on book another $300-$500 for that.

Other expenses: $500 - that's a rough estimate of the price you'd pay for a new uniform, shoes, warmups, makeup and bows. The bare minimum you'd need to get through the year.

Of course, none of this includes the "optional" stuff that you end up needing to get anyway, like more spiritwear, additional tumbling, etc., plus all of your expenses at comps. I think this year we budgeted $6,000 for cheer expenses. Fundraising helps with some of that, but it's still a chunk of change.
The gym we will be looking at for next year...their uniform is $600.00!!!! Not including bow or warm-ups????? The uniform is custom and very beautiful and there are a lot of Rhinestones but $600.00????? What are other gyms paying for their uniforms.

The first quote our coach got for our uniforms was almost $600 because they used swarvorski crystals. She got them to change to cheaper rhinestones and it came to $280. It looks just as pretty, IMO.

ETA: It was split into 2 payments 2 months apart and I was so grateful for that. Maybe payments would also be an option for you?
Onfire381, am not sure how ponderblue22 cp does it but I know for my cp on weeknights he works on his homework in the car on the way there and sleeps on the way home. The weekends are much easier to get work done and on weekends like this past one where he had extra practices he took his homework with him and did it at the house of the person he stayed with. He is no honors or AP student but does maintain a low 90's average.