This starts another conversation. If every team in the gym has a different uniform, does the gym pay for this uniform, rent it out, or you have to buy a new one? I can't imagine paying that fee every year if I had a child crossing. Plus, if they do not require to have the same uniform, which I have seen too many times, they stand out like a sore thumb. I am glad we do the same uniform for everyone...don't get me wrong I think different uniforms are very cute and give each team uniqueness.
Many parents can barely afford paying just the competition crossover fees. I'm glad we do not charge for extra tuition to be on a second team. I understand the logic coming from the gym's side as to why the person should pay for two tutions, but to me this seems to limit the families that potentially might want to crossover. As a parent, you're already paying a montly fee to be at the gym...that's crazy to me to pay two tuitions or half tuition for the second team. I know I would be BROKE!!
I think if a child is crossing over then they're doing us a favor. We try to place them where they will help us the most and to make this a fun experience. By doing this they can build confidence, relax, and try different stunting positions.
Well about the uniform situation - most of are teams have the same uniform
Tiny and Mini has the same uniform and shoes (not cropped)
& all Youth, Jr, & Sr teams have the same uniform and shoes. (cropped)
So I just got lucky to have both because my daughter is 6 she is on mini and then youth2.
They get new uniforms every 3years but the tiny and mini rotation is different then the older teams.
So last year my daughter started Tiny.. And I bought a new uniform for her first season (uniform was on 2nd yr cycle for this team)
This year she got bumped to Mini's
(uniform is now on 3rd yr cycle)!!
However the youth& up teams finished their cycle last season. Since my cp also made youth now I have to purchase $300 uniform this season since it's 1st yr rotation now with new uniforms for older teams!! So I will be doing that!!
However if I stayed at my gym next season- id be buying a new uniform again but this time for the younger team.. As it will be there turn to get new uniforms since the younger teams rotation is a year behind and since my daughter just turned 6 they will still want her to be a mini next year as she still wouldn't be close to aging off!
I think I'm probably the only unfortunate one that it happened to in the gym just the way the age fell lol.
However I'm moving out of state next year so I will have to buy her a new uniform when we move obviously.. And I'll just hope and pray the gym we pick isn't on their last year rotation for whatever uniform we purchase next or it will be a 4th year in a row buying that thing! Lol
It's expensive but so worth it.. I don't mind paying the extra for the competition fees I'm just happy I don't have to pay more tuition!
However our teams don't go to alot of the same competitions so I think I will only be paying 1 crossover fee as that's the only competition that both her teams will perform - the competitions we go to in Louisville and Sevierville and stuff are for the youth teams, and the ones in Nashville all but one are only for the tiny/mini teams!!
Because there are alot of Tiny and Mini parents who don't want to travel far and stay in hotels....
Which completely irks me why you don't want to do it when their 5 but your ok traveling when their 10!!
Maybe I'm the only one who wish they traveled more at that age but I hated when everyone was away last season but my daughters tiny team was stuck at home:(