All-Star Why Did Angel Leave Smoed?

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We had a mutt one time who ate our Thanksgiving turkey - virtually the entire thing. We put the bird on the table to cool a bit and went into the family room for about 15 minutes, chatted, said our prayers and our traditional Thanksgiving speeches. Came back into the dining room and the platter was on the floor and the dog was hacking on a bone. 75% of the turkey was gone.

I had a boxer who used to eat cat litter. Not a big deal, lots of dogs do do. Except my sister used cedar cat litter which expands and fluffs up when it gets wet. My sister also doesn't keep her cat box cleaned. We went to visit my sister one time and my dog got into the cat litter. We didn't realize it. We were going to dinner so we put the dog in her crate. When we got back there was cat poop puke EVERYWHERE around her crate. She had ingested so much cedar cat litter and it was expanding inside of her, not to mention the cat poop itself which was in massive quantity. She couldn't stop vomiting, her mouth and tongue were blue and she was panting excessively. Took her to the E-vet for an emergency surgery. Terrifying but she made it.
That's horrible. Glad she was okay!

Can I declare this the official end of the "things our dogs have eaten that they shouldn't have" portion of this thread derailment?

How 'bout those chicken and waffles?
I had a dog eat the fiber glass wrap you put around your water heater because the lazy plumber left it out on the ground when he left. She had to have emergency surgery to get it out of her stomach. Good times, good times.

#idiot #imadehimpay
I decided to help you with that one. You're welcome!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I wasn't expecting this soooo I didn't have a speech ready....... I'd like to thank the Fierce Board Academy for this tremendous honor.....thank you for believing in this girl from Texas.... I'd like to thank my family who has always supported me.....and finally I'd like to thank @Emily without you......this wouldn't be possible :::music plays:::
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My dog once pulled a RAW breakfast casserole off the counter. It had been in the freezer and it was thawing on top of the oven. I'm not exactly sure how she got it off considering it was in a HUGE (there are a lot of us) ceramic pan - the kind that takes two hands and some strength to get in/out of the oven for a human. I'll never understand how a 25 pound dog who's barely tall enough to get anything on the counter got it down. She didn't really get to eat it though because it crashed to the ground and everyone came running - that was a fun time to clean up. What can I say, she LOVES cheese
my cat growing up loved bean and cheese nachos...... when my mom would make them for me, she made him his own little plate too.... it was the strangest thing lol
If i eat pretty much anything when my cat is around i have to break off a portion and give it to her to lick otherwise she'll lick mine. Shes worse than the dog since she doesnt actually eat it except for string cheese so you still have to pick it up when she decides shes done.
Our old cat would hide under the futon when the kids would eat chicken tenders from chicken express back home and when they would get up you would see one lone paw with claw exposed slowly reach out and then grab the tender and quickly pull back- it was the cutest thing..... Should have given him waffles too lol
I believe this might just be the coup de grace of pet shenanigans[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23].

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My dog ate an entire uncooked meat loaf and then 3 boxes of chocolate girl guide cookies. When my mom walked in and the dog burped so loud and went to sleep on the couch.
I had a dog eat the fiber glass wrap you put around your water heater because the lazy plumber left it out on the ground when he left. She had to have emergency surgery to get it out of her stomach. Good times, good times.

#idiot #imadehimpay
Goodness gracious... dogs are like babies, they'll eat anything.
My dogs ended up with a raw half frozen 15lb turkey on our porch one morning. Still have no idea where is came from, hopefully someone didn't go hungry for dinner!!!

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That's what I was about to say. Muddy Buddies. My wicked stepmother called it garbage, though...maybe she made it in a garbage bag???
Puppy chow might be a Midwestern thing? I'm not sure but when we moved to Iowa from Vegas, one of my friends was talking about how excited she was that her mom put puppy chow in her lunch. I had never heard of it and thought she was talking about the puppy chow candy you could get from those quarter candy machines at malls.

Then at lunch, I was introduced to the amazingness that is puppy chow.

Side note- cake batter puppy chow is even more amazing!
Goodness gracious... dogs are like babies, they'll eat anything.
My dad was recording my second Christmas when we were opening Christmas presents and I started eating the wrapping paper, all you hear is my mom in the back "MIKE MIKE MIKE GET HER SHE IS GONNA CHOKE" and I'm just as happy as can be chewing on the paper, and you see my dad lunge for me and the video goes black.

Sorry, I always laugh when I think about that video and I always feel compelled to share.
I believe this might just be the coup de grace of pet shenanigans[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23].

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Oh. My. God.

He's not nearly mad enough. There would be no video (evidence) if this was me.

... Hence the reason I do not have pets!