For anyone to say, imply, or think the judges at an event like Worlds don't care about the sport is absolutely absurd. As a judge you know that no matter what the outcome you are going to get bitched at for it. "The judges got it wrong", "the judges are blind", "the judges are idiots", "what the hell were they watching", "were they watching at all", "how did they miss that", "do they know the rules" etc, etc. All for taking a day or 2 off from our real jobs to make the Worlds experience the best that we can for YOU.
Worlds for us means at least 14 hours days with 90 minutes of breaks if we're lucky. For those of us in the warmup room it means getting cussed at by coaches because we let them know THEY have something illegal in THEIR routine and trying to fix it before it's performed on the main floor and point are taken. Getting looks and rolled eyes from teenager after teenager because they think they are the special one that can be in the warmup room without their uniform on, tumble on the mat before their time starts, or do their stunt one more time after their time has ended.
For those on the judges stand it means meticulously watch routine after routine with barely enough time to eat or drink or use the restroom if you dare take a drink. Having fans and parent walk by the judges stand to yell or throw things at you because their team that has won every rinky dink competition they've attended got a score they thought was too low or finished someplace other than first.
We could easily skip the weekend and spend time with our families or girlfriends, or not taking time of work, or sleeping in our own beds, or any number of things. But instead we take the trip to Orlando because we know we are good at what we do and would rather do our part to make sure the event is the best it can be, which will make the sport better.