OK, I have been meaning to get back on here to post some updated info on this for all the parents on the board. I wish that I could say I have gotten clear verification, but unfortunately, not all of my questions were answered.
I emailed USASF to get some answers to some of the still unanswered questions concerning Worlds. Here is my email string exactly how it took place...
My first email...
To whom it may concern,
There is a lot of uncertainty with regard to how the sessions will be held this year. I have read your information package on tickets, but the package leaves a lot of questions that still need to be answered. I am hoping that you can answer these questions for me as I have two daughters that will be competing in Worlds this year and am trying to make travel preparations for the even. Here are my questions. If you could please answer EACH of them I would greatly appreciate it.
1. With regard to the three separate Monday Finals sessions, if you purchase a $30 ticket to get into one of the sessions, will you be able to view all three, or do you have to purchase separate session tickets for each (another words, will you be kicking everyone out after each session)?
2. Do I need to purchase session tickets for my daughters who are also competing at Worlds? They are in different divisions, so if one of my daughters is in a separate session for Finals on Monday, will she be able to go support her sister in another session as an athlete, or will she need a ticket?
3. As I understand it, the Monday session tickets will be going on sale on Saturday. Do you have a limited number of tickets for each session? Do I need to worry about session tickets selling out? What happens if I purchase a session ticket on Saturday and my daughter does not make it to finals on Monday, will I be able to get a refund?
Please kindly answer these questions so that I can make the appropriate travel and planning arrangements for Worlds.
I will answer what I can for you. I will have to wait until Monday on a couple of things because several people are out of town until then.
First of all, your daughters' as participants will receive our park hoppers that will include admission to all of the competition, including all sessions on Monday. To my knowledge, each session will be emptied and you must pay again for the next one on Monday. This is the first time we have done Worlds this way and there is some confusion. I will have to ask about the number available and refunds for the 3 different sessions. Actually, the best way might be to purchase a 3 or 4 day hopper from us. It will include 5 days admission to the ESPN Center and all finals sessions.
So, from this, we can conclude that if you have the park hopper from USASF, you can get into any of the days as well as the 3 sessions. Since all athletes will have these, all athletes will be able to attend the 3 sessions on Monday. Since there will be a TON of athletes there, I am baffled at how this will work to control the overcrowding in the HP Field House, since clearly there will be a lot more tickets sold then seats available. Therefore, based on this information, it seems likely that there will still be times where they will not be letting people into the HP Field house EVEN ON MONDAY if overcrowding occurs.
Now, on to my response...
You answered a lot of my questions and I sincerely appreciate it. The only thing I am unsure of is with regard to the session tickets and the park hopper. I understand that if we purchase your park hopper we will get in to any of the 3 sessions on Monday. However, with all of the athletes getting a park hopper and a lot of families as well, should I assume that there will be overcrowding problems again in the HP Field House? We weren’t able to get inside to watch my daughter at Finals last year and it was really upsetting. I thought that by adding the sessions you would be limiting the number of people that could go in, but it seems that since anyone with a park hopper can go in, there may be problems again with the HP Field House having too many people there. I will have to make sure I get my seats early.
How much time will there be in between sessions and will you have a line or something for people wanting to go into the next sesson?
Hopefully I have a few answers for your worries about the finals for Worlds. The new 3 sessions are set up to relieve the overcrowding that occurred last year. The venue will be emptied after each session and a line will form to re-enter. People with our park hoppers will have a lanyard to wear that will enable them to re-enter each session. Others will have to purchase tickets for each session.
Based on this, we now know that they intend to clear the Milk House after each session. However, this doesn't seem to solve the problem, because they don't appear to be limiting the tickets sold. Since there will be a large amount of athletes and others with Park Hoppers there, I do not see any way for them to know how many "session tickets" they can sell, which means, possible overcrowding at the HP Field House.
This also means you will have to make sure you get back in line quickly after you have been cleared out after each session or you run the risk of not getting a seat or not getting back in at all. I still did not get an answer as to what time Saturday the session tickets will go on sale and if there will only be a limited amount. I am assuming since they are letting anyone with a park hopper in, it makes no sense to limit the number of tickets sold.
I have posted this information to help other parents who are trying to make their plans. Unfortunately, the information I have gotten still does not answer all the lingering questions.