Well, first and foremost, I guess it is now clear that you don't have to spend the $40 to get into the WWS PLUS the $30 for the session on Monday. You can just get a $30 session ticket. However, this really doesn't make any sense... why then would anyone pay the $40, when the $30 gets you the same entrance PLUS a session. Unless of course all of the session tickets sell out, since they are limiting them, then you will have to pay the $40 to get in.
From what I can tell, the "Fan/Parent Viewing Area" is simply the same thing they did last year when they wouldn't let anyone else in the HP Field House and they marched parents into priority just for their team and then out the exit.
To answer this question...
- How limited will the session tickets be? They must have a number. If the seating capacity is 5000 (some are obstructed, so maybe a little less), how many session tickets will be made available vs. seats that will be available to those with a hopper?
I can't figure this one out either. Why even limit the tickets, when anyone with a park hopper (which is every single athlete that will be there plus parents that bought one) will be well over 5,000, which is the capacity of the Field house. Let's say they limit the session tickets to 1,000 sold. You still are going to have 20,000+ there with park hoppers, so it really doesn't do anything to limit the session tickets. And my guess is seating will be first come first serve, so park hopper or session ticket, you just have to get in their first to get a seat.
Finally, because they are not limiting the park hoppers, there will undoubtedly be overcrowding in the sessions, leading to them blocking off the HP Field house as they have done in prior years due to over crowding, so get there early folks, or don't get in at all and have to settle for the "fan/parent, march you in a line to watch only your team, viewing area".
Good luck to everyone!