The Good:
@cupieqt finally made it
FAME Vengeance fought through an incredibly difficult weekend - tragic fatal car accident at home, emergency surgery on a team member, last-minute routine changes - and still placed 2 spots better than last year! They had to pull together and find their strength, and they did it!
My tan is legit
The knowledge that Supers can totally pull a Lady Jags next year
The Bad:
Heartbreaking performances, and that's all I'll say about that
Not knowing which venue to go to, stadium or Milkhouse, and not having a heads-up from Our Father about what He was gonna do weatherwise
How I felt every morning when I woke up
The Ugly:
People's reactions to losing. I am thoroughly incapable of understanding how people can blame others for their own mistakes or shortcomings. I saw some of the most ignorant behavior this weekend, and what's worse is that not only is it allowed, it's justified. Stop excusing inexcusable stuff, people. And grow up.
Oh, and ETA: Again, how I felt every morning when I woke up.