Because my kid will be 12 in March, and wants to be on a worlds team next season (and has the skills, she has been on restricted for 2 years) this will not only stop her for the 2018-19 season but also 2019-20 season if the rumors are true. So she will be "punished", for lack of a better term, for being 12 and having the skills to be on a worlds team. I might add that she has given herself goals throughout the years to give herself as many years on a worlds team as she could (her goals, she accomplished them). If a 5 year old can be on a team with a 14 year old then a 12 year old with an 18 year old shouldn't cause such a ruckus. She started at 6. She is in love with this sport and works extremely hard. She fits right in with a senior team in both skill and maturity. To say this would be a slap in the face to her is an understatement. In gymnastics are athletes kept down levels based on their age or is their level based on skill, as it should be? (Like really, I don't know the answer to this).
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