So what would be different in someone going to summit 6-7 years verses worlds (and getting a worlds bid is actually easier)? Also if j5 moved to worlds...well then cp would still be going 6 times if she started at 12. Just some food for thought. She will end up at Disney for 8 plus years regardless if they change worlds age or not. But again, in reality what percentage of 10 year olds have the skills to be on a level 5 team? I guess I just don't understand changing the world's bottom age when most of the reasoning for this as a good idea is about younger ones being on a senior team. Why not just raise the senior age to 12 across the board??
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So what would be different in someone going to summit 6-7 years verses worlds (and getting a worlds bid is actually easier)? Also if j5 moved to worlds...well then cp would still be going 6 times if she started at 12. Just some food for thought. She will end up at Disney for 8 plus years regardless if they change worlds age or not. But again, in reality what percentage of 10 year olds have the skills to be on a level 5 team? I guess I just don't understand changing the world's bottom age when most of the reasoning for this as a good idea is about younger ones being on a senior team. Why not just raise the senior age to 12 across the board??
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We have many friends that have never even been to Summit. My CP has been on two teams in particular that were successful and didn’t get bids. Not all gyms chase summit bids in the way all worlds team expect to go to worlds. I know a mega gym that doesn’t attend summit unless it is a paid bid. I see 5-7 10 year olds with level 5 skills at our gym and so I’m sure there are many across the country. Level 5 skills do not necessarily make a successful level 5 athlete. Finally, Summit isn’t worlds. The push to go to Summit every year has become overwhelming to many parents and gyms and while I am excited for my cp to have the experience again I would also be happy not going back until she competes at Worlds.