Agree or disagree with the way it was rolled out, the bottom line is that excessive celebration has become an issue. This isn't about the USASF 'thinking that hugs for kids are bad.' When you are trying to run an event on time and you are having to drag athletes, coaches, and RANDOM FANS (not even attending in an official capacity with the program) off the mat as they disregard your polite instruction, we have a viable issue.
People are upset that the rule isn't vague enough. Others are upset that the enforcement is too vague. Just don't excessively celebrate and it doesn't matter if its worth 2 points, 4 points or 6.
Somebody commented that their favorite part of Worlds was watching the Coaches' emotional reaction after each routine... that's a problem, guys.
At NCA, coaches and fans aren't allowed near the floor. And athletes have to exit so the next team can have THEIR moment on the mat. If each team takes 30 extra seconds, then by the end of the day you are behind by over an hour in one venue. When one venue is behind, crossovers and cooWe don't have to have these same rules in place in Dallas because it hasn't become a problem. If it were to get to the level that Worlds has seen, we would be forced to enstate a similar policy.
Life as we know it at Worlds isn't changing. Nobody here is trying to kill puppies. Please don't attribute every decision or announcement as the 'beginning of the end' of the governing body.
(By the way, I wasn't involved in the creation of this new policy or the pricing, so I'm not speaking on behalf of the USASF. I'm speaking as an Event Producer who runs an event bigger than Worlds and knows the logistical importance of scheduling and maintaining a controlled atmosphere).