All-Star Worlds Info Packet

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Hmm - do not have to submit birth certificates and pictures - but coaches have to have them on hand??????
Just another note, I see this as being way too controversial. It just adds another subjective thing to the scoresheet. What one judge may see as practical another may see as excessive. Also, I could see teams being like 'well we got deducted points for such and such while craptastic did the same thing and didn't get penalized.' I just don't see this ending well.
Cheerleading is so subjective as is, we definitely don't need this
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. In the Olympics athletes celebrate correct? Worlds is pretty much the olympics of cheer. Who the heck isn't going to celebrate if they hit a perfect routine?!
"Teams will be assessed a 2.0, 4.0 or 6.0 point penalty for
exhibiting unsportsmanlike, unprofessional, disrespectful
and/or unsupportive behavior. The amount of the penalty
will be determined by the competition officials"

This has got to be a joke.
*looks kind of happy after hitting a perfect routine at Worlds* DEDUCTION.
I....have no words.

We can't make the comparison to gymnastics because they were all off the floor by the time the points were calculated. But I'm pretty sure when they finished they were waving and hugging and celebrating..

This would be like taking away Michael Phelps's team relay medal because of his weird bellowing post-win (y'all know what I'm talking about..2008? And the French?)..they even took away the amount of restrictions on post-touchdown celebrations..
so your saying i have to pay $40 on Saturday and $40 on Sunday and then $30 three times on Monday if i am going just to watch? So thats $170 total? that is ridiculous! i have been to worlds every year just to watch and support our level 5 team in our gym. The most i had to pay was $50. cant believe they're making people pay that much.
oh and no excessive team rituals backstage so no pump ups? what exactly does that even mean? most teams are excessive but thats only because its gets us revved up to preform so we preform better...

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