Here in Canada we don't really see the same type of celebration that you see from teams in the US, with the exception of a few teams in a few circumstances that are 100% understandable. It doesn't make our competitions seem anymore professional or classy or any of that. It doesn't tarnish my view of cheerleading seeing it displayed the way it is in the US. There are plenty of excessive behaviours exhibited at Worlds in terms of celebration. Should Maddie Gardner have been parading around for 20 minutes after her performance? No. Is it necessary when people run out onto the mat jumping around and running into the crowd high fiving, hugging, etc.? No. My issue is the limiting of celebration after. Finishing your last routine of a season is a mixture of happiness, relief, sadness, pride, and a million other emotions, and often times it's uncontrollable how you react. I've never competed at Worlds before but I can honestly tell you I've reacted more severely watching allstar teams than the teams themselves, and at a small fair competition with my high school after losing a teammate, struggling through, and winning, I reacted as if I just won Worlds. I just think it's too much to expect athletes can abide by this.