I had a stunt come down in one comp. It was the opening stunt sequence, and my top kind on slide down my face and body. She knocked my 1 contact lens loose and I could feel it as I blinked. It then fell out. We set up the next stunt and I saw it sitting on my knee. I figured, "Oh well, there it goes" and went on with the routine. We were right in the middle of the mat too. I finished the routine with only 1 eye (I'm blind as a bat without glasses/contacts) and then went back to look for the contact. Yes, in the middle of the mat. Actually found it, in 1 piece. No tears, rips, nothing. Grabbed some solution and popped it back in.
I did see a girl break her ankle in her first tumbling line (RO BHS Tuck). She broke it landing the tuck. She didn't jump, but did finish the rest of the routine. She topped, and I felt so bad for her when she did her twist out of prep. Whether it was from the broken ankle or her bases, I'm not sure, but they threw her over the main base instead of up and she twisted right to the ground (flat, not on her foot at least).
And finally, I have seen numerous skirt fall off right before the centre flyer goes up into an extension wearing only briefs. Why is it always the centre flyer who has a skirt malfunction??