All-Star Worst Comp. Moments Ever!!!

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omg... theres so many...
but ill never forget the one time before a comp. i was sick as a dog, probably food poisoning from downing pizza and sugar the whole morning. and the minute my foot hit the mat, i felt the need to profusely want to vomit. Somehow i disgustingly swallowed my own vomit for 3 minutes....
during my final few years of allstar, the gym really loved the half up, half down super curled and teased look. my hair didnt handle it well, and i always looked like a fluff ball, middle of comp my hair tie decides to break, had to finish a routine, tumble, dance and stunt with my hair flying all over the place. My mother loved laughing at those action shots later.
Not for us, but when DD was cheering rec, there was one state comp where a coach was unable to go at the last minute, leaving her teams hanging (small team with no assistant). Our team had a separate coach for the tryout teams, so she took over as their Rec coach so they could compete. Nothing like the 4-6 yr olds having to teach their new coach their routine during warm ups :)
When CP was in AYC Cheer one year they had kids dropping out like crazy the two weeks before their competition. CP said almost every practice they would find out someone else had quit and would spend the practice redoing the routine, the kids were 5-7 year olds and they were starting to get confused by all their new spots each practice. On the way to that competition I asked her if she was ready and she said at that point she just hoped everyone showed up. They didn’t, and so they spent warm ups figuring out what to do and afterwards CP said it was the performance we were never allowed to talk about, the kids were so confused on were to be and what to do it was a mess.

CP’s first year in all stars it was the last 15 minutes of their last practice before their first competition and CP broke her arm. They couldn’t get her in to surgery until that Monday and so she wanted to go to the competition. She felt awful at the time, there were obvious holes in the routine were they just left her spot empty. Now she doesn’t remember that competition, she was on so many pain killers because her bone was out of place and all the pictures of her that weekend she looks stoned.
ahhh, the joys of being on the coaching side of things now...a girl on my team had an F5-esque hair malfunction this warm ups. then again on the mat. Yay me. :confused:

Also forgot about this story...when I was a sophomore in HS, we were at a national in Myrtle Beach with my SL4 and had a great day one, in first by a good bit. Day two, a standing tumbler literally landed on top of me at the end of her whip pass, because she added an extra drop step and didn't land where she normally did. Don't worry, I broke her fall! She was fine. I now have been living with some wonderful back damage for about...7 years? To add to it, fast forward about about half way through the routine to our second stunt right before pyramid, and one of my teammates who had just recovered from a broken nose took a foot to the face. None of us knew she was even hurt because the blood ran down the front of her uniform perfectly. Because red was one of our colors. Beautiful. We didn't leave with jackets if you were wondering, LOL.
I got the times mixed up between my younger daughter's awards and my older daughter's check in time. Realized ten minutes before my older daughter was due to check in that I had mixed the times up and she was sitting there, eating lunch in her street clothes with no makeup on. I ran her to the car and we managed to get fake pony in, makeup done, and uniform on in 8 minutes. I have no idea how we pulled it off. (Edited: since I know her coach is on here, it was wintercheer this year )
In my first season of competitive cheer, aged 10, we added a forward roll in our routine just before my 2nd comp. We trained in a tiny hall so usually just faked the roll by rolling our hands instead of actually doing it. So naturally, when it came to the actual performance, I faked the forward roll! I was mortified and burst into tears when we came off the mat because I thought I had cost my team 1st place:rolleyes: luckily we still won!

Next competition, I made SURE to remember it and recall the relief I felt when I did!
CP once has to tumble through vomit. I guess no one realized the team before them had a vomiter. By the end of their routine it was all over the mat. :eek:
CP once has to tumble through vomit. I guess no one realized the team before them had a vomiter. By the end of their routine it was all over the mat. :eek:
This happened to a teammate of mine once, but she was in dance and had a motion where she rubbed her hand across the mat, right into the vomit!! I was in front of her and I got a good action shot of my last pose, while she's in the background gagging and looking at her hand. Super gross but it was pretty funny :D
Oh jeez there are too many to mention! My own would probably have to either be having a tooth knocked out after taking an elbow to the face half way through a routine and trying not to spit the tooth or subsequent blood out on stage (which was not my smartest idea) or the time I quite badly busted a punch front during a competition, came off the mat completely dazed and none of the coaching staff took any notice. Had it not been for my amazing mother deciding to turn up to this specific competition, I don't think I'd have even been given a second look. In the end I actually left the comp early - may have been before awards - to make a trip to A & E where I was then diagnosed with a concussion. All in all my coach was not best pleased.

The king of all bad and also one of the greatest comp moments though was at a Scotcheer competition in 2010. The comp was delayed by at least 2 hours - having meant to finish at 8pm we were still hanging around for awards at 10pm. There was still a bit of competition left to go and having driven two hours to get to this comp, I like a lot of the competitors wanted to go home. Had it not been for the announcer practically staging a mutiny (single greatest memory from a competition) and going against the Scotcheer director's back to conduct awards himself for the lower level teams I'd hate to think what time we would have left.
Oh jeez there are too many to mention! My own would probably have to either be having a tooth knocked out after taking an elbow to the face half way through a routine and trying not to spit the tooth or subsequent blood out on stage (which was not my smartest idea) or the time I quite badly busted a punch front during a competition, came off the mat completely dazed and none of the coaching staff took any notice. Had it not been for my amazing mother deciding to turn up to this specific competition, I don't think I'd have even been given a second look. In the end I actually left the comp early - may have been before awards - to make a trip to A & E where I was then diagnosed with a concussion. All in all my coach was not best pleased.

The king of all bad and also one of the greatest comp moments though was at a Scotcheer competition in 2010. The comp was delayed by at least 2 hours - having meant to finish at 8pm we were still hanging around for awards at 10pm. There was still a bit of competition left to go and having driven two hours to get to this comp, I like a lot of the competitors wanted to go home. Had it not been for the announcer practically staging a mutiny (single greatest memory from a competition) and going against the Scotcheer director's back to conduct awards himself for the lower level teams I'd hate to think what time we would have left.

Oh no! What happened with the tooth, could it be saved?
This is a bad memory but different than the other types people have mentioned.

At CP's former gym she was on a team that rarely did well. Morale was low. There was another team at the gym that was very clearly the gym owners favorite. There was a comp where cp's team somehow got 1st place! But the owners favorite team did not do well. After the win, athletes from cp's winning team ran to the gym owner to get hugs/congratulations. They were so excited and felt proud of themselves for the first time all season. Instead of being happy for them, the gym owner literally shooed them away and said that he had to console his favorite team who had not done well. He then left them alone and walked away to his favorite team. (the coach of cp's team was retrieving 1st place medals which is why they were not there when this happened ) The girls were left all alone. I was watching the whole thing and told parents to rush in from the seats to congratulate them and take pictiures.

We left that gym.
There was that time when cp was getting dressed for her comp at the hotel and she came to me panicked that she had forgotten her skirt at home.34 miles each way and I arrive back with the skirt at the end of warms ups, just in time. She was crying and the coach was yelling at her and off they went to take the stage.
So our 2nd year in all star cheer (first year in our current gym) we are driving to a comp that was approx 12 hrs away in car.... so we are driving and i'm 2 hours outside the city where the comp was being held when a shock wave hits me as I am driving... like a sudden epiphany.... i pull over on the shoulder of a 2 lane highway on a mountain (fyi i'm super scared of heights) and I jump out of car heading for the trunk... hubby is yelling whats the matter whats going on... I say to my CP "where is your bow box" (technically an infinity sneaker box cause she didn't have a bow box yet)... she responds "it should be there"... i empty the trunk knowing very well that damn black sneaker thing isn't there... i tell her she better search in the front but if I had the gut feeling that it was gone and not there then i knew i was right... no where to be found... my heart fell to my toes and internally i want to throw myself and CP over the damn mountain which miraculously didn't phase me in that moment... the fact that her comp bow wasn't in the car scared me more... i replayed the days events and clearly remember telling her here's your comp bow, don't leave it on your bed... i packed the trunk, didn't think twice and off we went...

long story short - thankfully my mom was house sitting and dog sitting - checked cp's room and there it was under her comforter on her bed... dear grammy paid $110 to fedex that damn bow to my hotel... ps we discovered thursday night the bow wasn't there... so fedex friday for saturday delivery.... omg that hurt my pocket more than anything in the world... we had a meet time of 9am and that blessed bow arrived on saturday at 8:35am...

to say the least she is no longer allowed to pack a damn thing... she is given a list and everything on that list must be given to me 48 hours prior to leaving and it goes straight in MY BAG lol

there have been other things like getting the stomach flu (me and cp simultaneously) at 11pm friday night with comp saturday and not sleeping all night with high fevers etc - which thankfully coach allowed her to sleep from 6am when she finally passed out after throwing up all night to 12pm cause her warmup wasn't until 3pm... (this was our first all star year with a small gym)... and she performed like she was perfectly fine and passed out on the chairs right after... that was our first ever national 2 day comp... thankfully by saturday night she was better and by sunday finally eating (me as well - i slept most of the comp in the last row of one of the halls asking for forgiveness every time a stranger gave me a weird look lol)

other than that just minimal things and minor heart attacks etc but these two event omg they have been imprinted on my mind.
I have to ask with both the bow and the skirt scenarios - couldn't you just borrow one from another team in the gym?
I have to ask with both the bow and the skirt scenarios - couldn't you just borrow one from another team in the gym?
maybe but it was our first year in a new gym and we didn't really know everyone that well and u have to imagine how the scenario plays out in your head lol freaked out not knowing who to ask etc. lol and i have ocd about borrowing items like bows (hair and lice scares) and skirts or shorts (like eww no sorry i'm that mom) lmao

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