On behalf of some of the members of the Teal Army (Ninja Subdivision), I would like to politely question why it's automatically assumed that because I put SE as my favorite team (in various forms), that it's an automatic assumption that I hate/don't like/disregard the talent of other teams? I mean, yes it's obvious that some people are die-hard fans of certain teams (insert name here), yet as long as it's NOT SE, it's ok and the rest of us are just 'fair-weather fans'? Why was there never a 'Cali Bandwagon Fans' discussion after they beat TG? Just because we're suddenly more educated about cheer as a whole and more in love with a certain team now than we were before doesn't mean I'm going to take a WCSS girl's bow and burn it in front of her.. YES, I like SE and I choose them as my winner, most of all because their routine setup/skills hit the worlds scoresheet VERY well, they have catchy v/os, and a good season track record of pulling out wins in crunch-time, something their competitors have struggled with in particular this season. It's not that I don't think the other teams aren't good, I just think SE is better. How does that make me a ZombieFan? *This is meant in the most polite way. Really.*