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Who owns the throne... and the Large Senior Golden Globe

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The new uniform thing is alawys interesting to me. I'd like to see a comparrison of top finishes with a new uniform as compared top finishers with a uniform they've used all season.

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get @Andre on that research!
A few bad apples can really spoil the bunch. Unfortunately, a lot of the die hard Senior Elite fans are new to cheer, under the age of 13 and their version of spreading the teal love involves blasting WCSS, F5 and any other large senior team. Also, the Senior Elite fans can be a bit extreme at times (haha) and let me tell you it's not Justin Bieber that annoys me, but rather his overly obsessed fans.

This is one of the reasons i'm not a CEA fan. While I have nothing against CEA (I think that they have a great program), the fans just make me so against ever drinking the kool aid. I didn't even know who CEA was until I joined the boards, and the crazy amount of teal overload didnt give me the best impression. While I totally understand passion and love for a program/team, the majority of CEA fans I've encountered have given me a bad taste in my mouth. You can love a team without bashing everything about every team they've ever competed against :/. Just because you like one program doesn't mean you can't appreciate something about another.
I do enjoy the debate of the top 3. Not one of them can hold back anything. Statistically speaking one of them (and possibly two) will have a bad day just cause they are all pushing so hard to win. I predict that the one that's been the most consistent, has the least changes for Worlds, and decides to instead work execution will win.

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Enlighten me.
I honestly meant nothing negative on Stars at all. That was all I had to say about their routine. I know CEA does that a lot, so I'd never try to turn it back on Stars and be like, "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ARE FAKING A DOUBLE!"
I do enjoy the debate of the top 3. Not one of them can hold back anything. Statistically speaking one of them (and possibly two) will have a bad day just cause they are all pushing so hard to win. I predict that the one that's been the most consistent, has the least changes for Worlds, and decides to instead work execution will win.

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Like I said earlier, I'm expecting "non cookie-cutter" results in this division.
I honestly meant nothing negative on Stars at all. That was all I had to say about their routine. I know CEA does that a lot, so I'd never try to turn it back on Stars and be like, "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY ARE FAKING A DOUBLE!"
Now I am confused. I was just playfully pointing out how your only comment to this entire thread was about a team faking a double when the team you so clearly endorse is infamous for doing the same thing. Never thought you were attacking stars in any way. So now I ask what did you think I was "getting at" that you so were adamantly certain you were not getting all?
Now I am confused. I was just playfully pointing out how your only comment to this entire thread was about a team faking a double when the team you so clearly endorse is infamous for doing the same thing. Never thought you were attacking stars in any way. So now I ask what did you think I was "getting at" that you so were adamantly certain you were not getting all?
Okay now I'm getting slightly confused haha. When I said the thing about the double, it was trying to say anything bad about Stars faking skills. When you responded, I thought you were trying to point out to me that my favorite team does it as well, and I can't say that about Stars (which I agree with). So what I thought you were "getting at" was the whole thing of pointing Stars out for their fakers when SE does it too? (Does that make any sense? Probably not, but I tried haha)
@cheerislove8 and @cinderella
Dont Hate.
I fake doubles everyday!
My kindergarten class and I fake them everyday when we sing the "good morning to you" song when we sing the part "spin round and round, and touch the ground".
We jump and spin twice.... now we might have some deductions, but still fake doubles :)
You going to "hate" on my Kinder kids? :)
I looove all 3 teams so much!! You can just feel their hunger for that worlds title and I love that! They each have their own amazing qualities in totally different ways. As well as their own story that is so inspiring! In my opinion, it will all come down to whoever hits absolutely perfect at Worlds. I don't think their is one team that will most definitely win, I do think that it is going to be between the 3. But anything can happen!!! I personally am rooting for all 3 :)
Random, But Tsunami has the BEST stunt in this division. IMO

I dont think its even feasible to say there is a top three for worlds especially in this division. We can sit here and say CEA, and Staws that but everything falls down to that two minute and thirty seconds. The team with the best routine will not win, the team who the judges like that day will win ( ex this division last year @ worlds -_____-). One more random note I think Spice should given kudos from coming from a non worlds division to one of the difficult divisions there is.
id like to say i miss judged fca. they are so clean and crisp. dont have tghe difficulty in standing tumbling, but tsunami didnt last year either but still outscored f5 overall in day 1. CEA knows how to max out score sheets (as you can see in their undefeated season), F5 in my eyes has moved passed stars. cea and f5 have set that clean and crisp not bouncy standard in large senior and cup needs to match that. no doubt they got the skill, but they dont have it polished as much as its gotten. im saying cea and f5. tsunami for the steal. woodlands...i hope they can have more to their routine than skill thats the only thing i see they lack.
I would be really impressed by Tsunamis stunt, i just wish they didnt do fake ups :(
On behalf of some of the members of the Teal Army (Ninja Subdivision), I would like to politely question why it's automatically assumed that because I put SE as my favorite team (in various forms), that it's an automatic assumption that I hate/don't like/disregard the talent of other teams? I mean, yes it's obvious that some people are die-hard fans of certain teams (insert name here), yet as long as it's NOT SE, it's ok and the rest of us are just 'fair-weather fans'? Why was there never a 'Cali Bandwagon Fans' discussion after they beat TG? Just because we're suddenly more educated about cheer as a whole and more in love with a certain team now than we were before doesn't mean I'm going to take a WCSS girl's bow and burn it in front of her.. YES, I like SE and I choose them as my winner, most of all because their routine setup/skills hit the worlds scoresheet VERY well, they have catchy v/os, and a good season track record of pulling out wins in crunch-time, something their competitors have struggled with in particular this season. It's not that I don't think the other teams aren't good, I just think SE is better. How does that make me a ZombieFan? *This is meant in the most polite way. Really.*

It isn't all fans but there is a BIG chunk, not just from CEA but multiple gyms, that jump down others throats the minute they do not praise someone. There are several fans of CEA that are very respectful when they talk about them as a team but the bad apples in the bunch give it a bad look. The comments that I read on twitter bashing other teams from not only athletes ON these teams but fans who are not even part of the program make me sad for the gym as a whole because I know that not everyone is like that. **I'm not just talking about CEA either**

It goes back to what I said in my earlier post, even if you are not part of the program you still have to watch what you say and be respectful or it is going to put negative attention towards a program that doesn't deserve it.

Since the topic is of CEA I will say that I have the upmost respect of the athletes, coaches, and parents who stick behind their program 100% and the talent that comes from the program is obvious, but I can't respect the way a big chunk of their fans act and it is sad that they make so many feel this way about their program.

Don't worry though I have read your posts and do not lump you in with the other bad apples.

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