Deleted member 1556
Okay a couple of things...
1. CEA has only dropped at worlds the past 2 years. 2008 they were amazing. (remember the crowd going crazy when the tick tocks hit).
2. If all three teams hit, it will probably be F5, SE, then SS based on difficulty. I do not believe that all three teams will hit though because it hasn't happened all year.
3. It really bothers me when world cup fans get on CEA so much for "faking" skills, because they definitely do it too. They have faked stunts consistently over the last couple of years, and yes I can give you examples if you really feel like trying to argue with me. (not hating, just pointing out the hypocrisy) Can we just all agree that every team does what they think that they need to do to impress the judges? Also I would like to point out that just because someone is doing a full in a tumbling pass does not mean that they are "faking a double". A pretty full is better than an ugly double. Summary: don't be a hypocrite.
4. Can we all please take a deep breath and remember that none of us are actually on any of these three teams, so we need to calm down a little with all of the arguing. Remember that there are younger ones on the board and things like this set a bad example for them. Get excited about the team that you support, but stop hating on the teams that they are competing against.
2) I don't think that the teams are far apart in difficulty at all. Look at stunts: WCSS does 1 1/2 to bows, and F5 and SE are doing 1 1/4 to scorps. WC has 2 (i'm not sure if the back tuck toss thing is only in level 5?) elite release moves, as well as SE (I'm not near a video of F5 so i'm not sure about them), and they all double from one leg. So stunt wise, they're all equal I would say. I'm not a judge, but from my POV, i don't see a frontrunner. They all have great dances, equal jumps, and so on. F5 and WC have pulled ahead of SE tumbling wise, but all three routines are coreographed to show each teams best. So to summarize my large paragraph, they are all very close in difficulty.
3.) I don't think that it's "WC fans criticizing CEA fans about faking". This doesn't really need to turn into fans versus fans pointing fingers. People who point out that CEA fake tumbling are doing what cheer viewers do- pick things apart ;) . Everyone see's what they see, and this board is all about discussing the good parts of routines and the flaws it has. I am a WC fan, but I say a lot more about stuff than just tearing CEA apart...as does everyone else. But about the
fulls with doubles- it's kind of unlikely that a full would be thrown in to showcase how good it is with doubles. While that's nice, realistically it's a smart allusion, and probably done on purpose. If you want to showcase a full, it would probably be in a pass with other fulls.
After reading this thread, I would really hate to be on a large senior team haha.