All-Star Your Worst Cheerleading Injury?

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I don't know, maybe. I have 2 more years of high school and I'm not cheering in college, so hopefully I will at least be able to cheer my senior year. However right now, I am helping coach one of the rec teams in my area, so I'm glad I at least get to do something with cheerleading. :)

Hope everything goes well with your x-ray! :)

Yes hopefully you will! Aw yes definitely, coaching is awesome!
Thank you!! :)
broken nose and I recently found out I tore my meniscus back in january so I'm dealing with that now.. thankfully Im retired!
Not my injury, thank god, but on Reddit a couple of weeks ago I saw a cheerleading injury that had made it to the front page: So one of my best friends broke her ankle at practice the other night... [Graphic] [NSFW] : WTF (warning: the link is just a text discussion, but if you click on the picture at the top of the page it's incredibly horrible and gory and not safe for life). The girl literally broke her foot off at practice D: Tumbling, apparently.
Remind me not go to Empire Elite
I tore my acl in April working on my full. I had surgery and was out for 6 months and I am finally back. I wasn't really on a team because they need someone and since I couldn't compete they took me off. But I also didn't go watch anyone because I was so upset I would start crying when got to the gym because I missed it so much. Now I have been back for a week and I have my back handspring back
Well my first day of choreography camp on my first year at my new gym I broke my toe on somebody's head while doing a one-to-back two-to-back when I was on level 4. At the time I didn't even know I broke it, so it left me suffering in pain for 3 days until I went to the doctor... I had to have a weird boot type device for about 2 weeks, which included my first week of school, so that was fun. The coaches still made me mark through certain things and stunt even though the doctor said if I bumped it that I would need to have surgery to fix it, so I wasn't supposed to be doing anything... It's sort of a sticky situation because you'd think with a broken toe you wouldn't be that 'crippled.' But at the extent of the injury, the tip of my toe was literally hanging on by the little bone that was still connected, so if I bumped it then It would break off and I would have to have surgery and a screw put in.

I really haven't been injured extremely bad from what I can remember... Just a few really bad sprains and muscle tears on a seasonal basis.
Last season at American Championships in Myrtle, day 1 on my Sr4 team...we had this "dramatic" part of the routine, where everybody was crouched over and there were 4 people doing a standing pass. We were in little lines in the back, and I never quite had room on my line, so I was always a little off the line. The girl to my left landed her layout..on my back. This was March 31. I was out till early July. We went to all these special doctors, had xrays done, later got told I needed a bone all came back negative and there wasn't anything they could visibly see wrong with bones or plates. I was then sent to PT for maybe a month (wish it would've been longer.), and they somewhat diagnosed me with a pulled muscle; I'm almost positive it wasn't just a pulled muscle though because I've pulled muscles before and they didn't hurt nearly as bad as this. My back still hurts to this day, with little improvement. Need I mention the lingering foot injury I've had for almost 5 years..:rolleyes:
Ever since 3 years ago I've had horrible back problems on and off, and a few days before comp last week my flyer fell on my face and my back cracked....not happy! Fracture maybe. I can't even bend backwards and am in constant pain...can't tumble, what am I gonna do with my life for 3 weeks until the new season starts??

Last year 3 days before comp I also hurt my knee landing a layout...still don't know what I did to it cuz the stupid doctor just said you popped a blood what? Couldn't walk or compete as I was main flyer, but luckily my back up hit everything. It still gives me problems to this day...I probably tore something.
this JUST happened, like a week ago. currently on crutches and in a boot (which isn't helping, surgery soon -_____-) anyway at the beginning of september i got put in a boot. the docs told me i had tor small ligaments and sprain my achilles. nbd. i got out of the boot mid october started pt and started tumbing again. it hurt a little bit i thought it was just sore, but then the pain got a little worse, and then it got really bad for a day but then stopped so i thought it was just normal pain, it didn't hurt anymore after that. i went for a follow up apt in november and i got an x-ray and the doctor told me my ankle was broken and had been broken since september. :mad: i had tumbled on it and everything and i didn't even know. on top of that i have a slight tear in my achilles and the muscle next to the broken bone is rubbing against it and it's breaking it even more. this all started by someone running into me while i was tumbling. i hope this MRI comes our good on monday or i will cry. i'm out for 6 to 9 months and i'm on crutches 3 months. :(
Worst Injury? Well, i was backspotting an extension for my rec team (first time they tried one...) and the flyer SAT down and put her big booty to my face. Well, i have teeth really high up in my mouth (i call them vampire teeth since they're sharp) and they cut through my lip to the front of my mouth. I darted across the mat room to the bathroom. Blood EVERYWHERE, but not on the mats. ( (: ) At first i thought i bit my tunge. But then one of the bases said "Do you have like a beauty mark on the corner of your mouth". My tooth went through my whole skin. I went to the ER because we were afraid of infection. Luckily, no infection, just EXTREME swelling. I went to school the next day w/ a HUGE lip and could barely talk. That was in the beginning of Oct. and i have permanent swelling in my lip. A little bump, not too big/noticable,
Oh and another one;
I was trying to do a double back tuck (one tuck bounce another tuck) on the trampoline, when i got a little to close to the next. My pinky toe got caught in the net and i fell forward onto my face. I broke my pinky toe. My parents WATCHED me do it and still didn't believe it was broken. I could barely walk for 2 weeks....
My first year cheering (6th grade), I was doing a roundoff backhandspring tuck on tumbl trak at open gym and I stopped rotating and came down on my arms.... broke both of them.... The worst part was we went to the emergency room, and after waiting for 3 hours, they put my right arm in a splint, told me it "probably is just fractured, you probably don't need a cast, but go to the orthopedist just for a second opinion."
So we go there, and he's like "Well, it's definitely broken, and you probably have had surgery, if you don't it will never be the same when you tumble again." So I had surgery, got a cast, all that jazz...
Then a 3 weeks later, I have one week till I get my cast off. My mom is like "Your left arm still doesn't look right" so we go back to the emergency room, they send us to the orthopedist again. Turns out, the same thing is wrong with that arm, so I have the surgery AGAIN on my other arm and two casts on my arms :mad:
The worst part was I was out for almost six months because of all the mistakes the doctors made, and then they kept not releasing me. GAHH. I competed once my casts were off but I didn't stunt or tumble... I just danced and nuggeted in the back hahaha. Plus then i had a mental block on RO BHS tucks for a while.
Another pretty bad one was I was doing standing tucks on the cheese mat before tryouts, But I went crooked and I landed with one foot on the mat and one foot off and sprained my ankle, nbd, right? But it was a week before tryouts so I couldn't stop, I've never had a chance to let it heal, then I hurt my other one so now I have two bum ankles and mostly tumble on the tumble trak or I only do tucks on the floor.
I feel really lucky to not have any of these injuries! The worst thing that has ever happened to me was not in cheer, it happened during track season. I had a stress fracture in both of my shins. I was out of all sports for about a month, but cheer season was over, so I didn't have to worry about that :)
One happened today at Cheersport Charlotte. I was chatting standing in the "on deck" area. One of the other moms saw it, I turned at the gasp and when they killed the music. The moms said it was a massive tumble collision (feet to the face or something) on CAC sr restricted 5. About 20 minutes later they got her out via EMTs and an ambulance.

Which brings me to my point......why don't EPs have paramedic on site? You don't normally need them...but when you do....YOU DO. It took at least 20 minutes for medical to arrive. I have them on site at my football games.

They announced later (after she was transported) she was doing better, but I feel for the girl. Stay tough Ally. I hope you feel better soon!

ETA: I'm really hoping they didn't have to cut off her pretty new CAC top :(
Not my injury, thank god, but on Reddit a couple of weeks ago I saw a cheerleading injury that had made it to the front page: So one of my best friends broke her ankle at practice the other night... [Graphic] [NSFW] : WTF (warning: the link is just a text discussion, but if you click on the picture at the top of the page it's incredibly horrible and gory and not safe for life). The girl literally broke her foot off at practice D: Tumbling, apparently.

Oh my God. That's me. I was doing two to backs on the tumble track, which I've done for years and I landed really wrong. My ankles were crossed somehow (that never happens) and I guess it was just the right angle for it to happen. I rebounded, heard girls screaming then looked down and saw it. The staff helped me tremendously. They kept me calm and I didn't even cry the whole time. Nothing was broken luckily. I just dislocated my ankle at the joint and it broke skin. I will be able to compete close to the end of January but I can't jump or tumble until about June.
I'm so sorry if this picture freaked anyone out. I didn't want it to get out but obviously you can't control girls with cellphones. Now my teammates show it to people that say cheer isn't a sport. Lol.

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