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  1. G

    Help! My Base Partner Is Really Bad

    Hi, I did cheer for 4 years on one team and now I been doing it 2 years with my new team. I've never had any problems basing with any different bases. But now my new base partner is so bad...She has only been cheerleading for about half a year. She doesn't have the strength, her elbows are bent...
  2. I

    Backspot That Wants To Learn To Base

    Hi! I'm currently on a senior 4 team as a backspot, but I don't feel like the position is right for me and I am interested in learning how to base. Should I go for it? I have main based 1 leg extensions and that's about it.. Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks :) The Fierce...
  3. I

    Stunt Timing, Base Doesn't Listen

    I'm on junior 2 and I am a flyer, my stunt group is point and one of the stunts we do is a switch up to heel stretch, kick up scorpion to prep sponge then extension cradle. We usually hit the stunt perfectly except one of my bases always wants to sponge 2 counts early, our coach is getting very...
  4. Hithitpull

    Base smaller than flyer?

    I just switched to a new gym, and in one stunt I am secondary basing someone who is at least 4 inches taller than me and weighs a little more than I do. It's a bit too hard for me, and I don't want to fly, so I don't know what to do.
  5. TheCheerDiamond

    OT Short Base Probs.

    It seems like whenever I base, I'm shorter than the other base. I can't help it that I'm "fun sized". My coach last season made my 4'8 height aware to everyone by classifying me as a "midget". Some of the girls were very, very tall, at 5'6 and even 5'7. But does anyone whose short have problems...
  6. embersglow

    Single Base?

    In level 3, would a full team of single base/assisted single base extension libs score more points than a full team of group libs? What if there were mostly full groups with one or two single bases? Thank you! The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade Your Account!
  7. L

    Being A Base

    My daughter is a base but she has not hit a growth spurt like the rest of the girls her age. What should she be doing to make herself a stronger better base?
  8. retiredl5cheer

    L1 Cradle From Double Base, 2 Legged Stunt

    I'm a bit confused by the dismount/release moves for level 1. If I have two bases under a two leg prep, one holding foot and ankle to make the prep legal, but no "back spot," can I legally pop cradle? Andre drewpate
  9. Tinkerbella

    Main Base Help?!

    I know there are a million threads about main basing and basing in general but this is kind of a different story. I think i am too weak to hold up the stunt.Anyways, i was a flyer last year but now i base. My flyer is maybe a few pounds lighter than me. She barely squeezes in the air so have a...
  10. Jule

    Help A Base With Flying Please!

    So... I've been a base all my cheerlife. And I'm good at that and I like that I can control the stunt and you know, do what a base does. :) Now, I've been asked to fly in the opening sequence and do a show n go to suicide. I was really suprised that I managed that and it was actually kind of...
  11. cupieqt

    Level 2 Straight Up Extension Single Base

    Will we be called for an illegality on straight up single based extensions? They're on one foot until the top. I have seen other teams do this but I know that doesn't mean it's necessarily legal. Andre ?
  12. lovelivecheer12

    Level 1 Single Base In Pyramids

    Okay, In a pyramid, with a single base stunt (base holding both feet w/ a side base holding ankle and foot), if the flyer is braced by someone at prep level can they do a one leg stunt, such as a stretch and/or lib or can they do a hitch where the side person is pushing it up to extention while...
  13. cheerdancemodel

    What's The Difference Between A Main Base And A Side Base?

    I'm just starting out as a cheerleader and I just wanted to know what the difference between a main base a side base is. If anyone could help me out, that'd be great! (:
  14. L

    Becoming A Better Base?

    I want to become a stronger base so that it becomes easier. What excersizes or drills can I do at home by myself that will help?
  15. Daniellerae

    Tips For New Base

    I searched the forum, but didn't see any threads specifically for secondary bases. I just became a secondary base. I was wondering if anyone had any drills/workouts/etc because I'm one of the weakest girls on the team, and I'm afraid I'm going to give out in a stunt. That actually happened to me...
  16. The Pom Prince

    Main Base Tips

    Hey guys, I used to be a backspot but now I am a mainbase.. does anybody have tips on how to get stronger and become a better base? I tend to have a problem of pushing the stunt group over when we go up, which makes it a lot harder for my secondary, and I'm not sure how to fix that.
  17. ScottyG978

    High School Base's Contact With Tumbling

    So I have a question partaining to bases coming in direct contact with tumblers. Because Inversions from the ground may now be transitioned into a stunt of any level, would a back handspring entry be legal? If the flyer were to do a standing handspring and simply not snap down her legs...
  18. cheersafety

    All-Star Have You Ever Heard Or Seen A High School Team That All Athletes Could Be A Base & Flyer?

    Have you ever heard of or seen a high school team that all athletes could be a base & a flyer?
  19. C

    All-Star Favorite Base/backspot

    I searched to see if this is already a thread and found nothing so sorry if this is a repost! Everyone always talks about who their favorite flyer is or when they say who their favorite cheerleader is it's usually a flyer. What about the base and backspots? Who are your favorite bases/backspots?
  20. lakerfantlc

    All-Star My Base Is So Lazy

    OK...fair is fair...lets touch on the bases....:) My base is so lazy....she won't even empty the trash in the recycle bin on her PC....:)