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  1. H

    Bid Declaration Vs Bids Given

    Very confused today. Bid declaration from Varsity says paid bids will be distributed to the “highest scoring teams across different age groups”. The paid bids from our comp this weekend all went to Junior teams. Any insight?
  2. SthrnCheerMom

    All-Star Bid Question

    If there is only one team in a division/level at a comp, are they not eligible for a bid? Like an International team is the only one at a comp.
  3. C

    International Summit Bids

    Question. We saw on varsity’s website that Canadian teams are the only teams eligible for international summit bids. Is this right? Does this mean that US teams have to travel to Canada to get their international bids?
  4. STAR Cheer Mom

    All-Star Number Of Bids At Comps This Season

    So, I have seen general information about the number of AL/PD bids that will be given at comps this season. Looks like it will be 4 AL/3PD. Does anyone know how they will be distributing?
  5. Mom23

    Tax On Paid Bid To Worlds?

    Hi everyone! Does anyone know if athletes (or the gyms) need to pay tax on the money received for a paid bid to Worlds? I haven't been able to find anything about it here by searching. Thanks!!
  6. cheervixen

    Newbie Thread - What Happens To The Bids?

    waiting to be able to ask more questions! experiencing something new for the first time in 6 years and im super curious to see what happens! where do the bids go when a gym is caught cheating??
  7. BlockHead

    All-Star Summit Bid Question

    If a team competes as a youth 1 and obtains a bid (either a wildcard or an at large), can they compete again at another competition as a junior 1 and win a wildcard or an at large bid?
  8. Lower Level Queen

    All-Star Summit Bid Reveal Discrepancy

    I keep my own records who gets summit bids based off the summit bid reveals, and I was recently updating it based off the official list on varisty's website. When one of my teams got their summit bid, it wasn't announced on the summit bid reveal and they accidently announced the second place...
  9. SteelCheerCE

    All-Star Midwest World Bid Ohio - 3/25-3/25

    Any teams going?
  10. Carolina800

    All-Star World Bid Question

    Ok so my cousin just called all panicky and I told her if anyone would know you guys would. So here is my/cousins question. Her son's world team has an At Large bid but they just had 5 new people added to their team. 2 were taken off due to injuries and 3 others due to IOC crossover...
  11. C

    Bid Recients To The 2018 Junior Dance Worlds

    Congratulations to the recipients of bids to the 2018 Jr. Dance Worlds Championship! Comment On Article
  12. F

    All-Star Battle At The Boardwalk Summit Bids

    with the Epic merger, BATB is giving 3 at large D1 and D2 summit bids... how does that work when the non worlds teams only compete one day? Doesn’t really seem fair when all other 1 day events get wild card bids
  13. Carolina800

    All-Star Summit Bid Declaration

    Can someone tell me where to find the Summit Bid Declaration for NCA? They have their World Bid Declaration posted.
  14. F

    All-Star Extra Bids

    why is no one randomly “finding” or adding extra summit bids??? Only worlds bids... Giving so many summit bids to NCA and cheersport have really hurt the chances at regional comps.
  15. C

    All-Star Summit Bids

    Anyone know how the Summit bids are going to be awarded? Are the paid by age or level?
  16. Sterling von Shimmer

    All-Star How Do All-star Bids Work?

    Explain it to me like I don’t know anything, because I don’t. I searched the forum for answers but all entries I could find were written as if they assumed the reader had prior knowledge of the process. I do not. Thanks!
  17. SthrnCheerMom

    All-Star Bid Reveals

    Our team won't be in the running tonight but several of our teams might. Trying to watch and the site crashes. Sort of frustrating.
  18. darlingsmomx4

    All-Star Summit Bids

    I tried to search on this topic and nothing came up. What happens if you have a at large Summit bid and then you receive another bid? This all is confusing to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. cheerisherlife

    All-Star Summit Bid Declarations 2018

    Recently released:
  20. FlightAttendant

    All-Star 2017-2018 Bid Events

    I'm having a terrible time finding this info. The Varsity website is showing events for April 2017 by default. When I try to enter date ranges it tells me no events. I have been able to look up some competitions directly but we want to look into some new ones too. Anyone have a link? Sent from...