school cheer

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  1. emhoss

    All-Star Need Your Opinions On High School Cheer Comp

    Brooke High competed at OVACs this past weekend, and lost. This year we blew everyone out of the water at regionals and won the WV State championship, beating the team that beat us at OVACs both times. A lot of people are outraged at our loss, and outraged with the way this competition is...
  2. selenawhite

    Best School Cheer Team?

    I know allstars the best is probably cheer athletics but in school cheer whos the best? If I had to choose I think it would be north laurel middle school and bob Jones high school cheer teams
  3. selenawhite

    Best School Cheer Team?

    I know in allstars the best probably has to be cheer athletics, but in school what do you guys think it Is? I think bob Jones high school is pretty good!
  4. C

    High School Cheer Or Allstar Cheerleading?

    Which one would you choose if you couldnt balance the two and why?
  5. Rhiley

    High School High School/middle School Cheer Music Mixer!

    Now accepting 'clients' for the school year! I specialize in mixes for High School and Middle School routines... One doesn't need a full blown $500 mix for use during a few football game halftime shows or pep assemblies, so I'm here for you! Perfect for those who don't know how to mix their own...
  6. Elite Championships

    Missouri State High School Cheer Championship

    Eltie Championships is a new competition company that holds both Missouri State School Championships and All-Star Cheer and Dance competitions in the State of Missouri. As a company our goal is to make this about you! We are taking a combined 50 + years of coaching and judging experience and...
  7. ChoreographyInTheBack

    OT Difference In Allstar And High School Cheer

    I have to give a speech on the difference between high school cheer and allstar cheer. I want to tell the difference between skills, competitions, training, and injuries. Please help by listing some differences in these categories :)
  8. clyles

    High School Rhinestones In High School Cheer

    Are rhinestones legal according to NFHS rules? We are looking to get rhinestone bows to go with our new uniforms.
  9. B

    High School Cheer Vs. Allstars

    what are your views on the drama between high school cheerleaders and all stars cheerleaders? is equal amount of work being put in on both teams in your opinion?
  10. Miss Tiff

    I Wanna Try Out For School Cheer Buuuuuut..

    The girls at my new school have a bad rep. which i dont want to get just because i cheer. I dont know what to do it looks like so much fun and i cant do allstar soooo? any opinions on what i should do? thanks a bunch :D
  11. Emma_QCE

    High School High School Cheer Rules?

    Hi there, I am an Aussie cheerleader who also happens to be a high school teacher and cheerleading coach. Here in Australia, my school team competes at Level 2 and follows the same rules as the clubs. We are hoping to bring a team to the Spirit Sports Duel in the Desert competition in 2013, but...
  12. Anne_L

    All-Star High School Cheer And All-star Cheer

    Any good tips for balancing HS cheer and All-star practice and competition schedules? Have you had issues with coaches, schedules, etc?
  13. A

    Is High School Cheer Scary To Tryout For?

    I have tryouts in a week.
  14. Soph

    High School Cheer Or All-star Cheer?

    hey guys, I was on all-star cheer when i was younger and then i did gymnastics and this year i did high school cheer, but next year i really want to do all-star cheer. i don't know if it is worth leaving my friends from school my senior year for all-star cheer which i really would like to do. is...
  15. ryann3794

    High School Michigan High School Cheer

    ok so I keep seeing threads about the boy getting his team disqualified so I thought i'd clear some things up as I'm from michigan and have done high school cheer. In michigan school cheer become a recognized sport by the MHSAA about 5 years ago. When they did this they completely changed...
  16. Cheer_Explosion_Coach

    High School Varsity And Uca Take World's To School Cheer? Page 25 I believe...... What are you're opinions? Will it work? Are teams with USASF World's athletes allowed to participate?
  17. CLAshley

    All-Star School Cheer Conflicting With All Star Practice

    So what is your gym's policy about missing practice because of school cheer practices or games??
  18. King

    All-Star High School Cheer A Sport In The State Of Kentucky? Curious what this could mean for that state. If it is a recognized sport are they allowed to travel out of state for a championship? I know the state of Georgia is not. There are...
  19. Mattea Hastings

    All-star And School Cheer

    What was the hardest thing for you when switching from an All-Star team to a school team or doing vise-versa?
  20. ellen495

    High School Leaving Allstar/starting School Cheer

    My daughter (Senior 5 at age 13) quit all star 2 days ago much to much shock. the school already heard - and she will probably be able to do 9th rather than 8th next year. But they don't do a lot of stunting until HS. She's an amazing flyer. I can keep up her tumbling by taking her to a...