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  1. mncheerqueen

    High School Tryouts 2018-2019 Season

    I know a lot of teams have just finished tryouts or are preparing for tryouts. Was wondering how everyones went! We are finishing up our final team placements tomorrow. Sadly we weren't able to get high numbers for tryouts that we wanted but are happy we have enough for all teams including a...
  2. CheerDaily

    End Of Season Exit: How To Leave Your Gym Gracefully

    Click For Full Article by Andrea McBride All good things must come to an end. And, sometimes they end sooner than we would like. Or, maybe they can’t end soon enough. But, no matter what your reasons are for leaving, there are good and bad ways to leave your gym. You’ll want to make sure...
  3. NHcheermom

    All-Star Changing Levels Towards The End Of A Season.

    Not starting this thread with the intention of being judgy but am generally curious about peoples opinions on this. I was bored one day at work and started watching videos on Varsity TV of teams with summit bids. I noticed one team with a lvl3 bid had been competing as a lvl4 until recently. Is...
  4. jscoach210

    High School 2018-19 Season

    Anyone know when UCA usually posts their updated rules, and division changes if any? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. luv2cheer92

    All-Star 2017-2018 Season Spreadsheets

    So I had someone ask me if I could compile all the spreadsheets for this season on to one post so you wouldn't have to keep looking for the links and to keep track of results as we head in to the biggest competitions of the season. So here are the ones I have and I'll add as the season goes on...
  6. oncecoolcoachnowmom

    All-Star Y5s This Season?

    Out of curiousity, who has a Y5 this season? Is it just CEA, World Cup, and ECE this year? @littlestALLSTAR @DropAndRun I know MD Twisters had a rather successful one last season. Still a thing? Am I missing anyone? (Not wanting to start any random Y5 debate here. I think every level/age...
  7. CheerDaily

    5 Tips To Hit This Nationals Season

    Click For Full Article It’s time for jackets and rings, y’all! Yep, it’s everyone’s favorite part of competitive: nationals season! You’ve put in the sweat over summer, got through the mind-boggling choreography, lived through the first full outs and didn’t forget your routine at the handful...
  8. FamousxMindset

    All-Star Cheer Athletics Newest Location For The 18-19 Season

    cheerUPDATES‏ @cheerUPDATES 19m19 minutes ago CONFIRMED CHEER ATHLETICS PITTSBURGH, PA arriving for the 2018/2019 season, joining the talented Pittsburgh cheer market. @CheerAthletics @CA_PittsburghPA Thoughts?
  9. wishfulthinking

    All-Star Cheerleaders Season 6

    Episode 1: P.S.: we're on season 6? What the heck.
  10. TWISTisLive

    All-Star Sun Athletics Half Season Team(s) Tryouts 9/17/2017

    Perfect for the beginner! We specialize in creating a love for cheer built on our core values: Sportsmanship, Teamwork, Positive Attitude and Respect Girls and Boys age 3-6 and 5-18 welcome! Parent/Athlete meeting on August 23rd at 6:00PM. Get your registration packet today! Visit SUN Athletics
  11. Lena

    All-Star Wasn't Cea Cougars Coed At First In 2016/17 Season?

    Wasn't CEA Cougars coed at first in 2016/17 season? I know they're now but wasn't it the same last season or do I mix something up? :D Idk where to look that up so if anyone knows please tell me :)
  12. Keep_Believing

    All-Star End Of The Season: How To Exit And Leave Your Gym Gracefully

    End of Season Exit: How to Leave Your Gym Gracefully  » by our very own @cupieqt
  13. CheerDaily

    End Of Season Exit: How To Leave Your Gym Gracefully

    Click For Full Article All good things must come to an end. And, sometimes they end sooner than we would like. Or, maybe they can’t end soon enough. But, no matter what your reasons are for leaving, there are good and bad ways to leave your gym. You’ll want to make sure you do it in a good way...
  14. cachoi

    All-Star New Uniforms 2017-2018 Season

    This feels weird but it's time for some gyms... Victory! All Stars Cheer Central Suns 3 piece...I'm thinking interchangeable sports bra top, bottom, bodysuit like CEA? or sports bra top, bottom, detached sleeves?
  15. dmouth11

    All-Star Favorite Routines Of The 2017 Season

    Now that the season is winding down and we are gearing up for the Summit and Worlds, let's review our favorite routines from this year! Feel free to comment/post your favorites (or even top 3) routines, best elite stunts, most impressive overall team tumbling, best dance, and favorite pyramid...
  16. tumbleyoda

    All-Star Friendly Reminder As We Enter "that Season"

    Sharing this from my FB page. Apologies to those coaches that are friends on that page as well for seeing it again. I haven't posted one of these in a long time. May as well put it out here now since we are officially in "that" season Finish strong. This year is not over yet. There are still...
  17. AScheer

    High School Tryout Season

    For many reasons, we don't stunt at tryouts, though we have in years past. The main reason I stopped is because I haven't found a way to do it where I feel it's a productive, safe and monitored environment. I am thinking about incorporating it into this seasons tryouts and would love feedback...
  18. CheerDaily

    Measuring A Successful Season

    Click For Full Article Around the beginning of May each year, cheerleaders hang up their uniforms and cheer shoes and trade them out for sun dresses and wedge sandals. The backdrop of social media posts switches from convention centers with stages to special event halls with centerpieces. It’s...
  19. Charley

    All-Star Cheer Team From Another Gym Using Our Music From Last Season

    Hi, I wasn't really sure where to post this, so I'm posting it here. At a competition recently, we were watching another team (They had the same name as us, but were a different gym and from a different city) and when their music came on it was the music that my team used last year. At first, I...
  20. Kentucky Girl

    College 2016 College Football Season Is Here!

    The Kentucky Wildcats will be hosting Southern Miss on Saturday, September 3rd in Lexington and the UK cheerleaders are very excited even though UK is a basketball school. Anybody else excited about cheering for football this year?