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  1. cheerqueen

    High School New Stunts!

    Are there any new LEGAL stunts that I could be notified of? If you have any they're greatly appreciated The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade Your Account!
  2. lca.caitlin

    Ankles Rolling In Stunts?

    So, I am a less experienced base, and my flyer isn't the best flyer. Whenever we stunt, she complains about me rolling her ankle. Her ankle is rolling, and I am doing everything in my power to set it right. I am almost holding her foot the opposite way, but she stands on only one side of it...
  3. sherpamelissa

    Rec 2/3/4 Person Stunts

    I am a rec coach for a JV (age 10/11) team and they love to stunt, of course. We have been doing some sideline stunting and do most of the basics. They do a basket sit, thigh stand, hanging stag, half and they can't seem to manage a shoulder sit. I don't want to do...
  4. L

    High School Individual Stunts!

    Hey guys! My stunt group for my high school team needs to make up a stunt sequence. Right now we have show and go tap down to lib. It's pretty boring. Can you guys think of an easy sequence (my flier is very new) that we can do? Thank you! The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade...
  5. D

    Thoughts On Non-assited Stunts For Level 3 Coed

    What are everyones thoughts on the new rule that if you are coed in level 3 you have to do a non assited stunt to at least a prep level?
  6. L

    High School New Stunts?

    My stunt group needs an Individual Stunt. We need a sequence that is pretty easy (we have a new flyer and also have less time to practice) but still looks awesome! If possible could you include a video? The Fierce Board App! || iPhone || Android || Upgrade Your Account!
  7. C

    Are One Man Stunts Legal In Level 2?

    It was legal last year is it still legal?
  8. Karen Hep

    Mini Level 1 Creative Stunts

    Is there a place to find cute level 1 mini stunts? New. Different.
  9. auscheerflyer

    Level 3 Coed Stunts - Is This Legal?

    Hi all (I warn you in advance this could be a long, rambling post) This year is my first year competing in the partner stunt division which I am really excited about! :) My partner and I are are entering the level 3 division. The only issue we are facing is that we are having a LOT of...
  10. ICEcheerGuy

    All-Star Level Appropriate Coed Stunts!

    i have been looking to see if there is somewhere that list what is legal per level and what isntm when it comes to coed stunts! for example: is toss extension level 3 or 4 level 4 stunt rules state (Release moves that land in extended position must originate from ground-level and may not...
  11. CoachK

    All-Star "one Man" Stunts

    I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but I am curious about how "one man stunts" on an all girl team are scored. As I look toward next season should I prepare my girls to start doing stunts without a thrid base? I was under the impression that the more stunt groups a team puts up the...
  12. Hi-Phlyer21

    Level 2 Double Based Stunts

    My large senior two has an assisted partner stunt section in their routine where they to a toss, hands, extension. We recently decided to change it from a simple bowling pin formation to a pyramid type structure. Not all of my groups extend. My question is being that there is now to be a...
  13. zonkadonk

    Level 3 Two Man Stunts

    Hello, What is the legal way for level 3 to do extended one-legged stunts with two bases? I have heard mixed things so wanted to get clarification on this. Does one person have to be in the backspot position, or just have a hand on the ankle? Does it matter which base places the hand on the...
  14. C

    High School Cheer--illegal Stunts

    Our HS hired a new coach this year. The cheer team put together an exhibition routine which included 2- 2 1/2 high stunts. A parent told the coach this was illegal for HS. She said it was not and was ticked about being confronted. The team has continued to perform illegal stunts including...
  15. mytriplek

    Wobbly Single Leg Stunts

    I have a level 2 youth team and their one leg stunts have become weak and wobbly. Does anyone have any ideas to help strengthen this area?
  16. X

    All-Star Level 1 Stunts

    Does anyone have a team doing one leg stunts at prep level that is connected to someone standing on the floor? Are they being scored in the pyramid section or partner stunt section of the scoresheet??
  17. MHSCheercoach

    High School Advanced Stunts With Only 7 Girls

    I'm in desperate need of a release transition within an extended stunt that only involves 7 girls and a two or 3 skill basket toss! I know there is the kick twist, but my flyer is still hesitant on doing her twist so I'm afraid adding another skill will freak her out. She's not my normal flyer...
  18. TwistersPride

    Level 1- Turning Stunts

    once a stunt hits (say a prep), can the whole stunt group turn? do the 1/4 rules apply to this? thanks!
  19. gi_cheer

    Extended 1-leg Stunts

    Hey there! I need some tips if anyone has ideas. My squad of girls has made HUGE gains this year in stunting. Last year they were only able to elevators/preps) which fell half the time, straight cradles, and wonky basket tosses. This year they are doing solid extensions, beautiful baskets, full...
  20. Hannah Mikayla


    My squad needs new stunt ideas, we have wore out show and goes, extenstions, libs and scorpians. What are other cute new stunts we could do?