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  1. bigmouthsmallbody

    All-Star Individuals, Group Stunts?

    I have a big dream to open my own gym when I'm older. I was wondering, if I only had enough kids to do a group stunt, would the gym be able to participate in comps if they only have 4-5 individuals and one group stunt?
  2. mollymags

    All-Star Level 1 Stunts

    I know I've seen someone post a video that had a good example of a level 1 "ball up" but I can't remember what team it was. I tried using the search bar but I didn't have any luck. Does anyone know what team did this, or have a video of a level 1 team doing legal "ball ups"?
  3. C

    All-Star Pulling Stunts At Ease

    So Ive been pulling/attempting Allstars stunts or my own to Allstar music and I just tried some and I pulled some at ease like my leg was jelly. Any tips to keep it up?
  4. D

    How To Practice Single Leg Stunts At Home?

    I'm a flyer and I've recently had to switch my lib leg after doing it on the wrong one for 5 years (stupid high school squad) I'm having a really hard time getting up and holding it at practice. I was wondering if there was anything I could do at home to help so when I go to practice I'm not...
  5. M

    Middle School Stunts

    I was under the impression that the only things that middle school squads were prohibited from doing that high school squads were allowed were tosses (basket etc) and double downs. However, while my squad was at camp the instructors had a whole list of things they were not allowed to do. I'm...
  6. Keep_Believing

    All-Star Help Stunts Hit At Practice Consistently, But Fall At Comp. :(

    My daughter is a flyer. At practice her stunt groups go awesome. They are solid, consistent, and beautiful to watch. But, at comp. they seem to fall a lot. :( Any advice or help is appreciated.
  7. ShutItDown

    Music Need Individual Or Stunts Group Mixes?

    I'm offering mixes for stunts and indis for $50. Only additional costs are for voiceovers if you want them. email me! [email protected]. Samples on my website: ShutItDown Productions
  8. CoachTamara

    Level One - One Man Stunts

    I feel like I know the answers, but want to make sure. I think the fact I never see one mans in L1 freaks me out a little and makes me nervous to put it in without being 110% sure. First, due to this rule, a one man stunt must also have a separate spotter: A spotter is required for each top...
  9. cheerislife1

    All-Star 4 Or 5 Stunts?

    do you think it's ok for a team in a small division to only have 4 stunts now a days? i have not really seen any teams only put up 4 stunts so i wanted to see what everyones opinions are. i personally think that you need 5 stunts.
  10. FierceandFearless

    All-Star Stunts

    Alright, so what's one of your favorite stunts you have ever done?? And what cool stunts have you guys seen this season, and by what team/gym? :) My favorite stunt I have ever done I think is Lib, tic toc, to stretch, scorp, mav, aero, cradle. and cupie fulls(: favorite stunts-still deciding. lol
  11. Keep_Believing

    All-Star ? About Stunts

    I have noticed at comp. some girls hold the flyers by the ankles and some girls hold the top of the flyers thigh and sometimes even their bottoms to keep them up in the air. When they hold their ankles it looks prettier and a lot more difficult. Does this effect how judges score the stunts?
  12. AerialsAllstars_Ash

    Correct Grip For 2 Man Stunts

    What is the correct grip for a 2 man stunt? Our Senior Level 4 team got a warning at our last competition and was told that our "spotter" did not fall under the spotter guidelines because the bases torso was underneath the stunt. We tried changing the position on the base and put them behind...
  13. BrookeLessard

    Level 3 Stunts!

    Any creative level 3 stunt ideas?
  14. glitterdiva

    All-Star Random Stunts You Would Love To See

    I would love to see a scorp to stretch tick tock!! I think it would be crazy cool!
  15. Mightymouse34

    College Most Impressive Stunts In A Routine

    I just wanted to hear everyones opinion about what routines most impressed you, just based off the stunts a team has hit in a routine, both UCA and NCA. The most impressive to me would be SFA in 2008 ( you can call me biased). 5 double ups, 5 fhs ups and 5 one to ones thrown in the middle of the...
  16. I

    What Defines 2 Legged Stunts

    When is something considered a 2 legged stunt vs 1 legged. The USASF Cheer Glossary defines this as "A stunt is determined to be "Single" or "Double" leg by the number of feet that the top person has being supported by a base" To me that means, it is being supported by the base if there is...
  17. King

    All-Star Redfining Positions In Stunts

    Starting from our Cheeropedia thread and getting some traction with @BlueCat we want to re-define what it is to be in a stunt and how many people are required for it. BEFORE anyone goes off the deep end, the changes actually make a LOT of sense so read through them first. Bluecat will submit...
  18. NickM

    Music Stunts?

    What are some good songs to remix stunts to, no specific theme, but i like kinda slower songs, with a techno backbeat i guess? help? ahahh
  19. D

    All-Star Varsity Advanced/elite Stunts

    I personally love the varsity score sheet, it (or you could credit its judges) seems to provide consistent results with fair results throughout an entire season (fair is subjective though) In fact the only competition where I felt the entire gym was judged consistently throughout our level 2...
  20. A

    All-Star Best Of 2011 Stunts

    this is what happens when Stillwater becomes a ghost town during the summer and you have nothing to do but work and watch cheerleading :) we plan on making more so don't worry!