summit bid

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  1. k.elise

    All-Star Partial Paid Summit bid

    My team recently recieved a partial paid bid to the d2 summit, and i can not for the life of of me find out what it covers. Does anyone know what is included with this bid?
  2. A

    All-Star Last place team got summit bid?

    Can someone please explain to me how a Level 1 team who got last place out of 12 Level 1 teams would have ended up with a Wildcard summit bid? This team earned an 87 and came in last place across all Level 1 teams. Is it really possible that every other level 1 team already had a bid? Or that...
  3. K

    All-Star Regional Bid AND Summit Bid

    Anyone know if you can earn and use both? We just competed at a one day showdown event and our team won first and we can see on the Varsity site that we earned an at-large bid to the regional Summit. But we also could be earning a wild card bid to Summit. Is the regional bid independent of...
  4. BlockHead

    All-Star Summit Bid Question

    If a team competes as a youth 1 and obtains a bid (either a wildcard or an at large), can they compete again at another competition as a junior 1 and win a wildcard or an at large bid?
  5. Lower Level Queen

    All-Star Summit Bid Reveal Discrepancy

    I keep my own records who gets summit bids based off the summit bid reveals, and I was recently updating it based off the official list on varisty's website. When one of my teams got their summit bid, it wasn't announced on the summit bid reveal and they accidently announced the second place...
  6. Carolina800

    All-Star Summit Bid Declaration

    Can someone tell me where to find the Summit Bid Declaration for NCA? They have their World Bid Declaration posted.
  7. cheerisherlife

    All-Star Summit Bid Declarations 2018

    Recently released:
  8. Cobalt_Jeron

    All-Star How Small Is A Typical D2 Gym Summit Bid Winner??

    Hey, everyone. We are a small D2 gym with only 30 athletes spread over 3 teams. We got our first summit bid last weekend and are super excited!! We were talking and curious how many kids a typical D2 summit bid winning gym has?? In our area, we are one of the smallest gyms surrounded by a few...
  9. F

    All-Star Summit Bid Reveals

    do program owners know about bids prior to the reveals? I see so many videos of full teams watching, with disney balloons... sometimes she
  10. Currym

    Finding Summit Bid Winners

    Is there a central location to see which teams have received a summit bid? Like a running list? I'm looking at level 3
  11. C

    All-Star 2016-2017 Summit And D2 Summit Bid Event Listing

    Varsity has posted the bid events for 2016-2017, you can find them here Varsity All Star Post Season Events The big things I noticed D2 full paid, D2 wild card, Way more D2 bids and a couple rule changes: 1. If you qualify with a certain # you can not add to a team even if it keeps you in the...
  12. F

    All-Star Summit Bid Question

    if a team that received an at large bid a few months ago upgraded to a full paid bid at a recent competition, what happens to the at large bid? Does it go to the next highest scoring team in the division that the team was in? The next highest scoring team In any division at the same level the...
  13. icame2WERQ

    All-Star Varsity Summit Bid Reveal

    How do I watch? / Where do I go on
  14. Flowerfamily

    Replacing Girls After Summit Bid Earned??

    hi all! I am a new cheer parent to the all star world and have had a great time this last year with my kids' teams. Both our kids teams worked hard and earned a bid to summit! YAY... My question is, now that they earned a bid the coaches are saying they will now replace some of the girls that...
  15. CLAshley

    All-Star Summit Bid Question

    I heard a rumor that there is a deadline for when At-Large bids can be passed down...for example, if a team received a Paid bid last weekend, and they got an At-Large bid at an event 2 months earlier, and if the "deadline" for that competition is already passed, then their At-Large bid cannot be...
  16. BBinNCsMom

    All-Star Wild Card Summit Bid Winners

    I apologize if this has been covered. I searched and couldn't find anything. I was curious if any team that went to summit last year on a wild card bid went on to win their summit division? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. KDCheerMom

    All-Star Summit Bid Winners 2016

    With the first summit bid events of season...thought I would kick this off..I think there were others... Athletic Championship – St Louis Nov 14/15 Paid Bid – J2 – Terre Haute Cheer – Heartbreakers At Large - Excite Gym & Cheer – L1 Junior - Excite Gym & Cheer – L2 Sm Sr - Gymtyme...
  18. CheerDad18

    All-Star How Many Summit Bid Events Did You Attend This Year?

    How many Summit Bid events did you attend? How many teams competed at the event and how many bids did they award? Our Gym attended 3 or 4 Bid events for each of our 8 teams. Half the team earned bids. My daughter's team attended WSF Louisville, I want to say there was 5 to 6 hundred teams...
  19. Crazy Cheer Mom

    Level 3 Jr And Sr Uca Summit Bid Winners Iacs

    Have the summit bid winners from UCA comp this weekend been posted yet?
  20. CindyLou22

    Summit Bid J5 Question...

    I can't find any info on NCA/Varsity sites.. I heard that J5's are only eligible for an at large bids in Dallas. Is that true? Something about J5's being able to do world's level skills?? It didn't make much sense to me. Also do they compete against all 5's for bids.. Youth 5 and Junior 5 or are...