Yes, I agree she was underscored, I was just talking about how I saw her attitude but you are very right about her age. I didn't take that into consideration too much, but I'm forgetting she's only 16 and that this was only her first World Championships. I recall a very bratty, angry Nastia losing to Chellsie Memmel in a similar way back in the 2005 World Championships, but Nastia turned out to be a very mature, well composed gymnast (in my opinion) in her prime year of the Olympics and at then she was 19.
I believe Shawn Johnson was an insanely mature gymnast for 16 on her Olympic stage being edged out as the favorite for all-around gold and getting silver, but to me, Shawn always seemed to be very mature for her years. The composure she kept in Olympic all-around interviews, fighting back tears, but still smiling and saying how proud and happy she was, was so very admirable to me.